This is our sweet Fabienne. She has been with us since she was about four or five years old. Her mother washed clothes by hand when we were at our first “old orphanage building.” Her mother did not have the money to send her to school, so we decided to help her. It really led to us “bringing Fabienne” into our orphanage to live, when her mother left us.
Fabienne is now 24 years old. Since she was a teenager, she always volunteered at our Mobile Medical Clinics that usually had a dentist. She began helping the dentists and sterilizing the dental equipment. When she finished her “13 years” of high school in Haiti, she decided she wanted to be a “dental hygienist.” She has already been through three years of college!
Right now, she is at our orphanage until college begins again. (There are lots of gangs on the streets and all our kids must be very careful.) She emailed us in the States and asked us if she could open the Love A Child Dental Clinic, because the dentist could not come. Instead, she wanted to “clean” the Love A Child children’s teeth! We said, “Yes, go ahead!” Here, you see Fabienne smiling and doing what she loves to do! We are so proud of this sweet, Christian girl!!