Raphael is 12 years old and in 7th grade. He has two sisters here, Bianca and Ada. (Jessica is Ada’s other name.) He also has a sister living with their aunt in Cap Haitian. They were brought to us by their aunt, who told us that their parents died on a boat leaving Haiti while trying to sail to the States and it capsized.
Raphael is very sweet and quiet. He is helpful, respectful, and a good worker. He will do anything he is asked to do without saying a word, he never says “no” to anything! Although he always looks a little sad and sometimes has tears in his eyes. There is no telling what he is thinking but we just love him so much!
Raphael loves music! He is learning bass guitar and wants to be a doctor.
There are few quiet kids here at Love A Child, he is definitely one of them. We believe God has a special plan for Raphael’s life.