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Our Little Macho Man

Our Little Macho Man

As many of you know, Baby Zachary came home from the hospital yesterday. What we thought at first to be asthma turned out to be pneumonia. To those of you who are new, Zachary came from a mother who was possessed with evil spirits. She had “lost” five children by death, one little girl came up “missing,” and she was about to kill Baby Zachary.
Yesterday he returned from the hospital, but I was shocked to see his “haircut!” He looked like a little “macho man” with his big arms and a new hairdo. The room mother let me know that the doctor could not find a vein, so they used a vein from his head, and thus the macho haircut.
He is doing much better and has no urinary problems. I told the room mothers to put him on a diet or cut down his food consumption because he is getting too “ big!” But they insisted that he stays hungry and cries when he doesn’t get enough food! (He is also on cereals and other solids.) Maybe he is just “catching up” from all the times when he was hungry before we found him!
Thank you for your love and prayers,
P.S. Notice his “holy shirt,” with “air conditioning!” All of his shirts have “air holes” cut into them because of the heat…and no, it wasn’t my idea!
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