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Our Malnutrition Clinic

Our Malnutrition Clinic

Here at Love A Child we have 85 children. At least 60% of these children came to us because their mothers died during or after childbirth. Many of them were malnourished; some had Kwashiorkor and some had Marasmus Malnutrition. Both of these are very serious, but as in the case of our Jasson (Jackson), Kwashiorkor is the most dangerous, but both can kill.

However, some babies nearly starve to death. They are skinny and boney like Madamn Kathiana’s baby. She has three children. Her husband, Noel Ogelais, has no trade, or any way of making a living, so she is the sole “breadwinner.” This family lives in the village of Ganthier, about an hour in traffic from Love A Child.

Madamn Kathiana sells candy. Can you imagine making a few gourdes, “pennies,” each day, and trying to feed two adults and three children? She has been feeding her baby, Noel, “candy,” which kept him from crying, but this brought on Kwashiorkor Malnutrition. His lower limbs were very weak, and he was unable to walk. At the age of 18 months, he was only 7.6 kg. But, after staying in our Malnutrition Clinic and taking a special milk formula, he is 9.1 kg.

Baby Noel will be an “out-patient” and have to come back to the clinic on a regular schedule. When she comes with her baby, she will take home special milk formula and also a box of  Feed My Starving Children food. She can share this food with her other “hungry children,” and perhaps she can find another trade or something else to sell, to take care of her children. Each day, we hear another sad story which is heartbreaking, but we are thankful to be in the place where we can help. God bless you, precious friends and partners!


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