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We have all felt that way some time or another in our lives! It’s when the enemy comes in with such force, that it feels like a hurricane… You can’t seem to catch your breath and then, you take another hit! You may be thinking that the enemy has you surrounded… maybe it’s a physical problem, a problem with your children, or just an evil force you can’t seem to lick. When you are at your low point, you can feel “outnumbered.” That’s just because you cannot see all the “forces on your side!” They are “your angels” at work!!!

In II Kings Chapter 8, there is a great story. The king of Syria was warring against Israel… He is angry with God’s servant Elisha because she is always a “step ahead of him.” So the king of Syria sends a GREAT HOST, WITH THUNDERING HORSES AND CHARIOTS TO THE HOUSE OF ELISHA. His meek little servant looks out the window and sees this host, with the angry king, stretching from one side to the other… and he is afraid. This army has compassed the city round about! The servant “thinks” they are “outnumbered.” Trembling, he tells Elisha.

But, Elisha doesn’t even sweat! He says, “Fear not! for they that be with us, are more than they that be with them!” (II Kings 5:16) When God opened the eyes of the servant, “Behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha!” And that’s not all, Elisha prayed that God would smite the enemy with blindness, and He did!

No matter what you are going through today, you are never, never “outnumbered!” The Lord of Hosts is with you! Do not fear!  –  Sherry

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