GOD HAS MORE MIRACLES THAN WE HAVE NEEDS! “… With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.” Mark 10:27 Today, you may be facing the Red Sea. Be ready, the Lord is about to open the Red Sea and you will walk across on dry land! When you get...
Almost every pregnant woman walks to our Love A Child Birthing Center. Some walk a very long way. Some have sometimes had their babies born at our gate or walking up the road to the Birthing Center. Our Birthing Center is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Thank you, my friend Hans...
“That day is surely coming...” “After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands; And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our...
Jackson is still in the Dominican Republic where he has been under doctor's care for dialysis. As you may know, we found Jackson deep in the mountains of Savaan Pit during a Mobile Medical Clinic. At that time, due to Kwashiorkor Malnutrition, his stomach was HUGE and full of water. We brought him to Love A...
This sweet young boy, who now looks like the picture of health, was found abandoned at our front gate. Someone thought they heard a baby crying... and there he was in the bushes. He had been badly beaten, had scars on his body, had lost his hair, had “bite marks” all over, and was malnourished....
After not eating much of anything for days, hungry little ones traveled from far in the interior to a remote mountain village by the name of "Ti-Fond" when they heard that Love A Child would be preparing a hot meal for them. Rice and beans are a perfect protein and full of nutrition to fill...
WAKE UP AND BE HAPPY! I remember for the first year of my marriage, every morning I woke up grumpy, grouchy, really for no reason… until I had my first cup of coffee. The Lord spoke to my heart, a scripture, and said to me “Wake up happy every morning!” Actually, now every morning Sherry...
“It’s Time to Enlarge, Lengthen and Straighten…” It’s time to “step out, by faith.” The word this morning is for that person who has been praying about “stepping out,” and taking that leap of faith and doing something they have been praying about. Maybe moving to another job, another place, or something like that. This...
“Foubi.” This Haitian word means, “scrub!” When we tell our kids at our orphanage to “get their mops and brooms” ready, it means everyone will “foubi,” or “scrub!!” It is not work to our children, because they “turn the music up,” sing, dance, and scrub! The big guy in the blue shirt is Camy! He...
“Dear Big Boss! (Bobby), We hope God always keeps our health strong. Today, which is Friday, April 19, 2024, we had practical work with the agroecology students at the Agriculture Training Center (ATC) at Love A Child. Today, we worked in the sweet potato plantation. We associate sweet potato plantations with moringa (dolive), plants. The...