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“How We Win the War…”

Let’s face it! We all have battles to fight! They may be small, irritating things, health problems, spiritual or physical battles, or other things. But, we always must remember what the Word of the Lord says, “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord of[…]

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Christmas and Christmas Dances…

Each year, our older girls have arranged Christmas plays and Christmas stories to tell about Jesus’ birth. Since the older “girls” were off to college, Dieuferly and his helpers organized the younger girls for special songs and Praise Dances. You can see them pictured below… Mika, Mikalange, Zoey, Rodna and[…]

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URGENT: Due to the fact many phones don’t work in Haiti, communication is difficult. Living in Haiti is like on a different planet. We do know five of our people were kidnapped with two of our trucks. One driver and his assistant, one driver from our Birthing Center, one cook[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in My name, He may give it you.” John 15:16 The Lord has called you[…]

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Our Ginyia…

Here is little Ginyia and she is in 4th grade at our Love A Child School! She is “one smart cookie!” We were told that her real name is very long and probably Dominican. Her mother died during a “C-Section” and her father deserted her and left for the Dominican[…]

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KIDNAPPED: We just found out that two of our trucks and drivers, along with some of our clinic people and a doctor, were just kidnapped. We don’t know the details yet. When I know more, I will let you know. This is an urgent matter of prayer. These gangs are[…]

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“Food for Life” Jobs!

We want to thank those who have been giving to our new “Food for Life Jobs” outreach. These are the villages of Fond Bayard, Boulaille, Old Letant, and Nan Plezi. Some of you gave $150 per person, for a poor mother to have the chance to sell items and make[…]

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Travel Update:

Sherry and I left Baltimore this morning at 5 AM for our Board Meeting in Fort Myers, Florida. The Bible says in the Book of Proverbs, “We have safety in the multitude of council.” Please pray we have safe travels. Thank you for your prayers and support. We love you…[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

 “…and this is but a light thing in the eyes of the Lord…”  2 Kings 3:18 So, you think your problem is too big for our “big God”? You don’t know any way out? Maybe you think that God cannot do what He says He will do… This message is from[…]

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Determined to Succeed

Ever since we heard the story about “Baby Lovely,” we knew that the Lord wanted us to bring her into our home and our hearts. Lovely had a disease and had been abandoned by her father and mother. Her aunt, “Madamn Cheap Cheap,” told us about her. Lovely is frail[…]

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