Each month, we share nearly two "40-foot containers" of food that we receive with other missionary organizations here in Haiti. Many have orphanages, but some, who are in the mountains, have "food for work" programs. That means that when these people do "community work," like roads, or well reservoirs, they are given food for their...
“God Doesn't Need ‘Big Things’ to Do a Miracle..." All through the Bible, we read stories of faith, where miracles happened, not through big things but through small things. David used "one small stone" to kill Goliath, the giant; Gideon won a battle with just 300 men that "lapped water like dogs;" the little boy...
On the morning of April 18th, Bobby, Pastor Mark Ostrander, and a construction boss will all be going to Madamn Adeline's land to begin plans for the new orphanage and the foundation. By this date, we should know the exact cost of the new orphanage. Madamn Adeline has been living with her "orphanage children" sleeping in...
A special thank you to all our partners for their gifts, large and small, to sponsor houses for the families living in the caves in south Haiti. They have been living there since Hurricane Matthew destroyed their homes and everything they had. We are partnering with Joel Trimble, whose Haitian workers first discovered the people...
“And David was greatly distressed; for the people spoke of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God.” 1 Samuel 30:6 — His enemy, the Amalekites, came in behind David and had taken the women...
These are just some of the precious families from South Haiti who are living in "the cave," and have been there since the hurricane! We have already delivered a large supply of Creole Bibles, but the need was great…and so, we sent some more. (The truck has to travel eight hours from Fond Parisien to...
I am sure many of you have seen the pictures that we often post of our Love A Child Orphans and how they have changed over the years. They are all growing up so fast. We hope that all the love and Christian guidance we have instilled in their hearts will bring goodness to each...
We travel throughout Haiti visiting poor and remote villages to share food and blessings to the “poorest of the poor.” You can watch our latest television program, God’s Children online now. Walk with us as we visit the desert village of Nangad to provide life-saving food to children and their families in the “regions beyond.”...
Prayer works! “If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.” Matthew 17:20 – We are praising the Lord today! David George had no problems with his open-heart surgery and is doing...
This is one of our missionaries Kaeli, with some of the children at our Love A Child Orphanage. Each afternoon after homework, the children play outside in the yard, usually with our three dogs. Jackson (Jasson in Creole) is the little boy in the lower right-hand corner. He is the one who has severe kidney...