God bless our wonderful team from Faith Church in St. Louis! They have come this week to minister, do evangelism, children's programs, “house-to-house” witnessing, food distributions and so much more! Today, they had a great time with the children at the "Heart For Haiti Orphanage!" These children received a beautiful swing set compliments of Faith...
Thank you to all of our partners for helping us each month to sponsor food that is shared with other missionaries. These children are from the TLC Barefoot School, and they receive a hot and nourishing meal each day. This ministry was founded to help children who were poor and could not afford to go...
Jesus said, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15 – Is the Lord calling you today into all the world to preach the gospel to every person? Is the Lord calling you to be a missionary? Are you willing to sacrifice all? Let the Lord use you...
You may remember our twins, Mika and Mikalange George. They were born way up in the mountains in a remote village called Covant. Their mother Mercilia died shortly after their birth and their father St. Cappe tried to care for them, but he wasn't able to find work and had no money for food. The...
A lot of people can talk it, but can't walk it. The Lord gave Sherry and me a thought several years ago. "Faith is not something you just talk about, faith is something you do." Love is not something you just talk about but love is something you do! (James 2:18) — Have a blessed Sunday!...
God bless our friends and partners who help us feed hungry children each day here in Haiti. These children are at Hope in the Light Ministry and they are eating food donated by Feed My Starving Children. Our Love A Child partners sponsor the food to come from the States to Haiti! When we all...
Our sweet Dimelia is recovering from surgery and skin grafts due to severe burns that she received when she was a small child. Her father had brought her to us from the mountains of Haiti with so much scar tissue. She will need one or two more surgeries on her chest and neck and then...
We welcome the Faith Church team from St. Louis and Palm Beach today! They have just arrived. We will have pictures and updates later. Love is something you do! Bobby and Sherry
“Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.” 1 John 4:7-8 —Do you remember the song, “What’s Love Got To Do With It?” “Love” has everything to do with it. God is love! And if...
This young boy’s name is Fritzner Burnette. He was born in Covant, a remote village on top of the highest mountain in Haiti. His poor mother struggled every day to have food and proper shelter. She was in poor health and died of Eclampsia, also known as “childbirth fever,” shortly after his birth. Little Fritzner...