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Dimelia’s trip to Shriners Hospital is sponsored: 6-19-16  4:00 PM

Dimelia’s trip to Shriners Hospital is sponsored: 6-19-16 4:00 PM

Praise God, the need has been met for Dimelia, one of our orphan children, to fly to Boston for surgery. Derek Carr and his wife, Heather, sponsored this entire ticket and trip. Derek is the NFL Quarterback for the Oakland Raiders. He has been to Haiti and met Dimelia. Her sweet spirit and God's anointing on...
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Happy Father’s Day from Bobby and Sherry: 6-19-16  10:00 AM

Happy Father’s Day from Bobby and Sherry: 6-19-16 10:00 AM

Sherry and I want to wish all of our father friends a very Happy Fathers Day. Today is a special day. My father was 71-years-old when I was born! This morning, our daughter Julie called to wish me a Happy Father’s Day. Our son Jonathan e-mailed me this morning, which brought tears to my eyes. I would like to...
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Happy Father’s Day: 6-19-16  9:00 AM

Happy Father’s Day: 6-19-16 9:00 AM

I want to wish Bobby a "Happy Father's Day!" He is not only a great father to our two grown children, Julie and Jonathan, but he is a wonderful father to all the children in our Love A Child Orphanage. Also, "Happy Father's Day" to all you dads! Sherry
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Word from the Mission Field: 6-19-16 6:00 AM

Word from the Mission Field: 6-19-16 6:00 AM

How would you feel if you were sick and a "man of God" came to your house and told you, "Set your house in order and get ready to die?" This is what happened to King Hezekiah in II Kings 20:1-6. But this story has a good ending... Hezekiah "turned his face to the wall and began...
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Kindergarten Graduation Day at LAC Fond Parisien School:  6-18-16  4:15 PM

Kindergarten Graduation Day at LAC Fond Parisien School: 6-18-16 4:15 PM

In Haiti, Kindergarten Graduation is a huge event, especially in large villages like Fond Parisien. Mountain schools do not have the ability to do this, but here, all the relatives "pitch in and much is donated for this event! It is a chance to "dress up, and strut into the building." We have six of our Love...
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Kindergarten Graduation: 6-18-16  11:00 AM

Kindergarten Graduation: 6-18-16 11:00 AM

Today is our Kindergarten Graduation here at our Love A Child School in Haiti. Five of our little ones are "graduating" from three years of Kindergarten! This is A BIG EVENT HERE IN HAITI! All the relatives, even poor ones, chip in money to help with a graduation of a small child in their family. This is...
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Word from the Mission Field:  6-18-16  6:15 AM

Word from the Mission Field: 6-18-16 6:15 AM

“But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law.”  Galatians 4:4 — What is God's perfect will for your life? When the fullness of His time comes into your life, you will know God's perfect will. Sherry and I will never forget when God's...
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Update on Dieubon: 6-17-16  3:45 PM

Update on Dieubon: 6-17-16 3:45 PM

Here we are with Dieubon from our Love A Child Orphanage along with Rad and Sandra Hazelip from our Love A Child office. Dieubon had Spina Bifida surgery three weeks ago. Rad and Sandra are his host parents and they have done a great job caring for him during his hospital stay and his recovery....
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Feeding the Poor of Haiti:  6-17-16  3:00 PM

Feeding the Poor of Haiti: 6-17-16 3:00 PM

Living in Haiti for 25 years, Bobby and I have experienced some of our greatest joy and at times, our deepest despair. That is the mystery that is Haiti. We have witnessed so many children starve to death… and yet, often in the same day, we have been truly blessed distributing food and seeing the...
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Feeding hungry children: 6-17-16  8:15 AM

Feeding hungry children: 6-17-16 8:15 AM

"How far can your love go? Does your little bit count?" Yes! Every penny counts, when it feeds hungry children. In addition to all our village feeding programs, the garbage dump food distributions, our 8,000 school children, and our Malnutrition Center, we also share food each month with over 80 missionary organizations and others who feed...
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