Truly, an orphanage for physically challenged children in a third world country would be considered the “least of these” as Jesus has said. We are thankful to Feed My Starving Children for donating nutritious food to us each month. With this food, we not only feed many villages, but we also feed 7,000 school children daily. We also share it with 67 other organizations and orphanages, such as this one that is called “Melissa’s Hope.” God bless each of you who care for the poor. Bobby & Sherry
Update from Bobby – 07-26-15
I did not arrive in Miami until after midnight on American Airlines last night. I spent over eight hours in the Port-au-Prince airport. I missed my connecting flight in Miami and I cannot fly out of here to Gainesville until after 5 PM today. I had to leave Haiti to check on our home in northern Florida. It is being affected by a sink hole that is trying to take the garage and putting great stress on the rest of the house. I will let you know more tomorrow. Thank you for your prayers. Sherry stayed in Haiti with the Faith Church team. They are on fire and ready to work for Jesus. Correction: David Crank did not come with the team. He is an outstanding pastor and man of God. Bobby
Feeding hungry children – 07-26-15
A large plate of food to a hungry child is like “gold.” It is more precious than expensive jewelry, an expensive car or anything else…it is “feeding Jesus.” Sometimes, we lose track of what the Lord has really called us to do as Christians. It is easy to get caught up in “things” and God wants us to be blessed, but “things” will pass away. What we do for the Lord will remain. These darlings have food because of you. Our partners help provide them and 67 other orphanages and organizations with food each month. God bless Sarah Fagg and her ministry with children in Haiti. She receives this food each month for her hungry children. Sherry
Word from the Mission Field – 07-26-15
The story of the centurion (soldier with great authority) in Matthew 8 always amazed me. His servant, whom he loved, was sick and “grievously tormented.” In the scripture Jesus said that He would come and heal him. Most of us would have accepted that invitation and thought nothing of it, but this centurion said, “I am not worthy that you should come into my house…just speak the Word, and it will be done because I understand authority. Your Word will make it happen. I understand the power of authority and the spoken Word.” Amazing! Jesus said, “I have not found so great faith…” Matthew 8:10 – Believe today in the power of God’s Word! Blessings, Sherry
Bobby stranded at airport
I have now been at the Port-au-Prince airport for seven hours, and I have another 1 1/2 hours to wait. There are many flight delays. I have already missed my connecting flight in Miami. I had to leave Sherry with Pastor David Crank and his great team, who just came in today. WELCOME! I know Sherry said that I had to leave for an emergency in the States. Our home in northern Florida is being affected by a big sink hole. I am going to see what I can do. I am trusting the Lord. Bobby
Haiti Update – 07-25-15
We attended a Bible School graduation at our Fond Parisien church for Haiti’s Bible College. They graduated many first and second year students and 55 third year students who came from all over Haiti. These Haitian pastors really have a hunger for God. This is a wonderful outreach. David Balsbaugh, one of our missionaries, ministered the Word of God in place of Bobby who had to leave for the States for an emergency. God bless you. Sherry
Greffin School – 07-25-15
School will soon be starting again in Haiti. This is just “one” of our 17 Christian schools in Haiti. This is our school in Greffin and it is located deep in the mountains…in the “regions beyond.” Children are fed daily, and receive a Christian education, thanks to their wonderful “Child Sponsorship” sponsors! God bless you from Haiti. Bobby and Sherry
Word from the Mission Field – 07-25-15
Several years ago the Lord gave me this thought, and I feel led to share it with you today. “When the devil starts messing, God starts blessing!” The best is yet to come! “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” Psalm 23:6 – We stand upon the Word of God today! Bobby
Bicycles for children – 07-24-15
Haitian children only dream of having a bicycle, but for these children it is a “dream come true!” We thank our friends and partners Harry and Caren for their donation of new bicycles. These bicycles were presented to the children who made the best grades (highest grades) in our Love A Child School. Mikael and Ada, two of our Love A Child orphans, received brand new bicycles. What a great blessing for these wonderful children who are the future of Haiti! Blessings, Bobby and Sherry
New Bicycles and Team Photo 07-24-15 10:00 AM
The David George team, along with Pastor Dale Cornell from Liberty Christian Center in CA, left this morning at 5:30 AM for the airport. Wow, what a wonderful week it was! All of the volunteers worked so hard blessing the adults and children of Haiti. Last night we ended with a big bonfire where all the children here at our orphanage sang and roasted hot dogs and marshmallows! What a blast, wow! Bobby and Sherry
PS: Sherry and I just gave away 20 bicycles to the top students of our school! Be looking for pictures of happy children soon!