The story of the centurion (soldier with great authority) in Matthew 8 always amazed me. His servant, whom he loved, was sick and “grievously tormented.” In the scripture Jesus said that He would come and heal him. Most of us would have accepted that invitation and thought nothing of it,[…]
Bobby stranded at airport
I have now been at the Port-au-Prince airport for seven hours, and I have another 1 1/2 hours to wait. There are many flight delays. I have already missed my connecting flight in Miami. I had to leave Sherry with Pastor David Crank and his great team, who just came[…]
Haiti Update – 07-25-15
We attended a Bible School graduation at our Fond Parisien church for Haiti’s Bible College. They graduated many first and second year students and 55 third year students who came from all over Haiti. These Haitian pastors really have a hunger for God. This is a wonderful outreach. David Balsbaugh,[…]
Greffin School – 07-25-15
School will soon be starting again in Haiti. This is just “one” of our 17 Christian schools in Haiti. This is our school in Greffin and it is located deep in the mountains…in the “regions beyond.” Children are fed daily, and receive a Christian education, thanks to their wonderful “Child[…]
Word from the Mission Field – 07-25-15
Several years ago the Lord gave me this thought, and I feel led to share it with you today. “When the devil starts messing, God starts blessing!” The best is yet to come! “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell[…]
Bicycles for children – 07-24-15
Haitian children only dream of having a bicycle, but for these children it is a “dream come true!” We thank our friends and partners Harry and Caren for their donation of new bicycles. These bicycles were presented to the children who made the best grades (highest grades) in our Love[…]
New Bicycles and Team Photo 07-24-15 10:00 AM
The David George team, along with Pastor Dale Cornell from Liberty Christian Center in CA, left this morning at 5:30 AM for the airport. Wow, what a wonderful week it was! All of the volunteers worked so hard blessing the adults and children of Haiti. Last night we ended with[…]
Word from the Mission Field – 07-24-15
“Behold, the Lord thy God hath set the land before thee: go up and possess it, as the Lord God of thy fathers hath said unto thee; fear not, neither be discouraged.” Deuteronomy 1:21 – Moses had to face a dreadful enemy. Don’t be afraid to face your enemy today[…]
Clothing Distribution 07-23-15 2:00PM
We just returned from the dangerous mountains of Peyi Pouri, Haiti with the team of David and Angie George and Pastor Dale Cornell of Liberty Christian Center in CA. Together we distributed warm clothes to the poor families of Peyi Pouri. God bless our wonderful partners who have such a[…]
New School in Bethel: 7-23-2015 9:00 AM
We are standing in front of our oldest school in Bethel, Haiti. This school has deteriorated so badly that we are now tearing it down so that we can build a new one. There will be 600 children attending our Christian school in the middle of this voodoo village. This[…]