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Love A Child

LAC listed in Fort Myers newspaper – 01-02-15

Love A Child has once again exceeded nonprofit industry standards earning Charity Navigator’s top four-star rating. We were recently featured in a news article in a local publication that is located near the Love A Child office. Follow this link to read the article. Thank you for helping us let God’s[…]

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LAC orphans – 01-02-15

Our “baby dolls” love baby dolls! This is Esther, Ada and Bianca from our Love A Child Orphanage. Ada, Bianca, and their brother were brought to us after their parents died on a Haitian boat trying to get to the States. Esther and her sister Widlene were brought to us by[…]

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Domincian Republic Outreach 1-2-15 – 6 AM

Yesterday, a Love A Child team shared hot meals and toys with Pastor Valentine’s area, and they shared a movie and toys with Batey 62 (sugarcane camp) in the Dominican Republic. The team will visit other areas today! Love is something you do! Let God’s love shine through you today.[…]

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Love A Child

Distributing in the Batey 1-1-2014 7:00 PM

Hispaniola is an island in the Caribbean Sea where the Dominican Republic and Haiti are located. We work in both countries. We claim Hispaniola for Christ! Please pray for Love A Child, Carlos, David George and Pastor Randy Landis, as they work for the Lord this week in the Dominican Republic.[…]

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Child Sponsorship, Guito Augustine: 1-1-2015 11:30 AM

If you have ever wondered if “Child Sponsorship” really works, ask Guito Augustine. He surprised us today by coming from Mt. Noire, where we used to live in Haiti. He came all the way to Fond Parisien to bring flowers and to “thank us” for his sponsorship as a child. It made[…]

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New Year’s Day Soup: 1-1-2015

We woke up early this morning to a breakfast of “hot pumpkin soup” that is a New Year’s tradition here in Haiti! Every Haitian who possibly can, must have this on New Year’s Day. It has carrots, cabbage, meat, pasta, bananas, yams, squash, and “everything but the kitchen sink!” It is[…]

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Word from the Mission Field: 1-1-2015 6:30 AM

“This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24 – All Christian Haitians pray and bless everyone for the New Year. They put blessings on people for health, prosperity, long life, happiness, and more, it is so sweet. So, Sherry and[…]

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Thanks for helping find an ocularist – 12-31-14

A special thanks goes to all of you who responded to help find an ocularist for Clepson’s prosthetic eye. We have several options now. We will “throw all the bread out on the water” and see what happens. You guys are great! Sherry

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Clepson: 12-31-2014 10:00 AM

A Special Request: We are trying to find an ocularist to fit Clepson, one of our Haitian children, with a prosthetic eye. It has been very difficult finding “mission teams” coming to Haiti that do this type of work. If any of you, especially in the Florida area, know of someone[…]

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Year End Giving – 12-31-14

Year End Giving: This is the last day of the year, and if you have ever been thinking of somewhere to plant a “year-end seed,” please consider Love A Child. You can give by clicking here now, or call 239-210-6107 and a staff member can help you. Every gift counts, and[…]

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