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Love A Child

“Be still, and know that I am God…” Psalm 46:10 – Wonderful breaking news! We plan to have an update about Baby Elijah around 9 this morning! Bobby and Sherry  

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Love A Child

Distributing Food in the Regions Beyond: 11-27-2014 7:00 PM

Today, our son and his family, and our Love A Child missionaries helped us distribute food to several hungry villages. It is always a very tough job getting to the villages, as the roads are not in good condition and our tires are bad. The trip is long, but the lines[…]

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Love A Child

Thanksgiving Gathering: 11-27-2014 5:30 PM

We enjoyed such a wonderful Thanksgiving with our son Jonathan, his wife Julie, and our twin grandsons Aidan and Brandon. We were also joined by several of our missionaries and workers from Gwo Maché Mirak. They do not celebrate Thanksgiving in Haiti, but they have many other holidays. We are very[…]

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Love A Child

LAC school soccer team: 11-27-2014 11:30 AM

We just passed all the children playing soccer in front of their Love A Child School. Saturday will be a big match between the Love A Child School and the team from Grand Miracle Market! Bobby and Sherry

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Love A Child

Word from the Mission Field: 11-27-2014 6:15 AM

“But I will sacrifice unto thee with the voice of thanksgiving; I will pay that that I have vowed. Salvation is of the Lord.” Jonas 2:9 — After this prayer, God delivered Jonas from the “belly of the fish.” We too, offer Thanksgiving unto the Lord…we are thankful for you,[…]

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Love A Child

Two new sponsorships: 11-26-14 5:00 PM

Little Roodson and Dacheline received a great “Thanksgiving blessing!” Someone decided to sponsor them!! There is nothing more rewarding than bringing a child out of a “mud hut” and into a beautiful Christian school where he or she receives a Christian education, a hot meal each day, a loving sponsor[…]

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Love A Child

Baby Elijah leaves for US 11-26-14

Baby Elijah and his house mother left this morning at 4:45 for the U.S. Embassy. He will be leaving on Friday for the United States for proper medical care. We give the Hotes Foundation a big thank you with our gratitude for sponsoring Elijah’s medical care. This little one is[…]

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Love A Child

Help Haitians start a business

Sherry and I really need your prayers. We have 190 very poor Haitian people who do not have enough money to start up their business in the Grand Miracle Market by our grand opening on December 9th. Many mothers have come to our gate crying. It cost $225 per person[…]

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Love A Child

Press Conference for Grand Miracal Market: 11-24-2014 11:15 AM

This morning we had a press conference at the Grand Miracle Market. The mayor of Fond Parisien, Metro Management, and many members of the press were in attendance. It will be shown on all of Haiti’s media outlets including television, radio and newspapers. December 9th will be the grand dedication! This is[…]

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Love A Child

Picking up rocks at the marketplace 11-25-14

Yesterday our son Jonathan, and our twin grandsons Aidan and Brandon (Sherry and Julie Burnette are not in the pictures) picked up rocks at the Grand Miracle Market. God bless all the little Haitians who helped pick up rocks. Love is something you do! Faith without works is dead! Bobby

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