Love A Child is in need of missionaries to commit for a "tour of duty" in the mission field for 3, 6 or 12 months. We are in need of professionals who are experienced plumbers, electricians, construction workers, English teachers, bookkeepers, and more. This is "volunteering" for Jesus—no pay. Love A Child will provide food and...
Here we are in church with the Dream Center team from New York City! They are blessing the Haitian people! They will start youth services tonight. The Spirit is coming down! Bobby and Sherry
These little cuties bring great joy to Bobby and me here at our Love A Child Orphanage. Even when we feel overwhelmed with "mountains of problems," sadness, or whatever, just getting a "hug" from Natalie, Nazalie (Rachael), Rodna and Betina, we know we can "make it through the day!" Blessings, Sherry
“And the Lord said unto him (Moses), What is that in thine hand? And he said, a rod.” Exodus. 4:2—God wants you to "use what you got!" You may be in a boat, with the wind and the storm tossing you about. The water is coming into the boat and you feel like you are sinking, grab something and "start to bail!"...
Ericka gets sweeter every day. She is one of the children here at our Love A Child Orphanage. She was found in a mud hut on the floor lying beside her mother, who was dying. Ericka was malnourished, full of oozing sores, and had mental health problems due to her malnutrition. Today, she is in school, talking...
We welcome the Dream Center Team from the “Big Apple,” New York City! They came to bless the poor, work on construction projects, and minister the Word of God at night! What a privilege to have them here in Haiti! We will have pictures later. Blessings, Bobby and Sherry
"Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me." Matthew 19:21—Missionaries sacrifice their lives, their possessions and most often their families, to go to a foreign country and help the poor. We thank God for every one of...
Moving on. The Lord spoke to Moses and said, "Ye have dwelt long enough in this mount…" Deuteronomy 1:6—Sometimes, we make the mistake of staying "too long," or getting "too comfortable" in one area of our life, and God wants us to move on. Maybe it is your job, or the "person you are living with,"...
Some people go through life without ever “hearing the cry of the poor," or responding to that cry. Yes, there are those who are highly favored and blessed of the Lord, yet they do not listen to the cries for mercy. International Faith Missions Projects and Day Spring Mission Outreach in Haiti are caring for these...
“And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold behind him a ram caught in a thicket by his horns: and Abraham went and took the ram, and offered him up for a burnt offering instead of his son.” Genesis 22:13 – Just when you need a miracle, God always has a ram in...