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Love A Child

Sponsor a child – 11-04-14

This is Chrislande and Jamesky. They both came from very poor homes here in Haiti, but they have found wonderful sponsors who made a difference in their lives! Now, they are in school, learning, eating, singing, and most of all, receiving a sponsor’s love. Sponsors are allowed to send a[…]

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Love A Child

Jesus Healing Center: 11-4-2014 9:00 AM

Each week we receive a report listing how many patients were treated in our Jesus Healing Center. We see over 600 patients weekly. In one week we had 25 “Emergency Cases,” and each week we send several people to a hospital for lifesaving care. We are so thankful to Joyce[…]

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Love A Child

Playground Installation: 11-4-2014 8:30 AM

I met at 5 AM this morning with Carlos, Ramone, John, and his wife Mabel. They all left early this morning with Philemon and our great Haitian staff to install a playground in Oriani, Haiti. Oriani is about four hours up the mountain and sometimes it is in the clouds![…]

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Love A Child

Word from the Mission Field – 11-04-14

Let me ask you a question… “What does your soul thirst after today?” David said, “As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, Oh God.” Psalm 42:1 – Have you ever been so thirsty that you would just “gulp up water,” letting it fall all over your[…]

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Love A Child

Sharing our food – 11-03-14

We thank you with all our hearts, dear friends and partners, for helping us feed children all over Haiti! These darlings are from “Orphelinat Notre-Dame du Perpetuel Secours” led by Reverend Father Bourdeau Jonel here in Haiti. What a great work of God! We share our food each month with 65 other[…]

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Love A Child

Grand Miracle Market: 11-3-2014 9:30 AM

Today, only Mark Ostrander will be returning to Haiti to work with the Haitian workers on the Grand Miracle Market. Please pray that the Lord will meet the need for the last $60,000 and we can finish the project by the opening date of November 18th. We will be doing[…]

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Love A Child

Urgent News – Marketplace – 11-03-14

URGENT NEWS – MARKETPLACE: We are so thankful that Pastor Jentezen Franklin has given $1,000,000 for our Gwo Mache Mirak (Grand Miracle Market). I have gone $420,000 over budget by building and putting things in the marketplace to make it the best and largest in Haiti! These next two weeks[…]

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Love A Child

Youth Crusade: 11-2-2014 9:00 PM

We have had a great and successful Youth Crusade in Fond Parisien today, and many parents came out to watch as well. I think we might do this each month! Sherry

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Love A Child

Update on Baby Elijah: 11-2-2014 3:00 PM

Today, Elijah will be coming home from the hospital for the day and then returning tomorrow for a check up. They need his bed for tonight. Elijah, as you may recall, was abandoned outside the gate of our orphanage here at Love A Child Village about six months ago. He just[…]

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