This is Pastor Souffrance from Peyi Pouri, Pastor Dale, who works with David George, Daniel our interpreter and David George. They are in the mountainous area of Peyi Pouri "eyeing the promised land." They are getting ready to build another church "IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE AND BEYOND!" God bless our wonderful friends. Sherry
“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1 – “The evidence of things not seen.” I believe more in the things not seen than what I see with my natural eye. Bobby
It is such a blessing to join hand-in-hand with other missionaries feeding children throughout Haiti. We share our food each month with 65 other organizations that feed many hungry children. These pictures are from the Greater Works Academy in Haiti. "Love is something you do.” Bobby
Is your faith on trial today? “That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ.” 1 Peter 1:7 – The Lord will take you through the fire today...
Most of our partners don't know that the majority of our children living in our Love A Child Orphanage came to us through our "Mobile Medical Clinics." Nelson and Jackson are just two, but there are many others whose lives have been changed because God sent us to do "Mobile Medical Clinics" in the "regions...
We welcome David George back to Haiti. A hero of the faith! We also welcome his dear friend of many years, Senior Pastor Dale Cornell from Bakersfield, CA. Pastor Dale is the pastor of Liberty Christian Center. These men have big hearts for missions. We love you! Bobby and Sherry
Are you tired of the battle? Do you sometimes feel that you don’t have the strength to go on? Your children, your job, your finances, your marriage and more are sometimes too much. Well, you don’t need to fight. “Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude; for the battle is not...
This is Jean Richard, a young teenager at our Love A Child Orphanage. He has a crippling deformity, which is possibly cerebral palsy. He was brought to us after the earthquake after his orphanage for disabled children collapsed. Today was a great day because he finally got a tri-bike, which he can ride to school!...
We welcome our Love A Child Missionary David Balsbaugh to Haiti. David is managing the Agricultural Training Center, the Chicken Co-op, the Moringa Tree Project, and the Tilapia Fish Project. We want to thank Mike Welch of Harrison Poultry, Inc., the USAPEEC International Poultry Development Program, and Larry for making our Poul Mirak Chicken Project...
"Be still, and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10 - Sometimes, we are so busy with emails, text messages and other distractions that we cannot be "still enough" to hear the small, quiet voice of God in our daily lives. When we fail to do this, we miss the "will of God," and we "miss...