Kanibal is just about to have a tooth pulled by Dr. Sally Cooley’s Dental Team at our “Dental Container “ here at Love A Child! What a blessing to the poor Haitian people! Blessings! Sherry
A wonderful construction team from Seattle, Washington and California is here to build houses for the poor, along with Mark Ostrander. Pictured are: (not in order) Dwight Spotts, Richard Stimson, Paul Hurdle, Graeme Spotts, Amanda Dixon, Val Dixon, Terry Panagos and Jeff Panagos. This is an incredible team that built three beautiful houses for the poor...
Yesterday we were in Greffin, Haiti checking on our brand new Love A Child School. The new school is in the middle of nowhere and it takes us hours to travel into the mountains to the location! Thank you Dor'e for making this possible! Bobby and Sherry
We welcome Dr. Sally Cooley and her dental team back to Love A Child! The majority of Haiti's poor do not have access to good dental care, in fact Pastor Bernice, one of our Love A Child pastors, died because of an infection he received when a bad "Haitian dentist" pulled his tooth. Pastor Bernice...
Robert de Vries, our Love A Child Missionary, goes to the Miami Baptist Hospital for his arm surgery today. Please be in prayer for Robert today. “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” James 5:16 – We are all praying for you Robert, and we miss you and Durkje. Bobby and Sherry
We just got back from the mountains of Greffin and Savaan Pit. This trip is four hours by four-wheel-drive each way! We received this video of Baby Elijah and wanted to share it with you. It will bring tears to your eyes! Remember, Baby Elijah was abandoned at our front gate shortly after he was...
Kaeli Fletcher, one of our "Love A Child Interns" for our Missionary Training Program in Haiti, put together a fundraiser for Love A Child in Houston, TX. People donated items needed in Haiti and also financially. We believe in Kaeli, as she has been on several missionary trips and she will be with us in...
By the time you read this post, Sherry, Philemon, Oriol, others and I will be en route to Greffin and Savaan Pit deep in the mountains of Haiti. This will be a very difficult route and an eight-hour round trip drive today. The little mountain children will have a new school! “Go ye into all...
Today, Mark Ostrander and the team from Seattle and Spokane, Washington were working hard along with our great Love A Child Haitian crew to build three more houses in Miracle Village for three poor families. We will give you their names and more details tomorrow. Great job! Thank you! Bobby
Today, Sherry, Oriol, Philemon and I are all preparing to travel to Savaan Pit and Greffin, Haiti to check on the two new churches and schools that are being built there. We will be dedicating the Greffin School tomorrow. Several hundred children attend the new Greffin School now! These areas are located very deep in...