MORE BRIDES! We had even more ladies from Cotin come today to be fitted for a wedding dress for the 15 couple wedding coming soon! We need friends to donate or buy inexpensive matching wedding bands (any size), ladies wide width dress shoes, and suits for men! Please mark your packages “Cotin Wedding” and send them...
"Here come the brides!" Our church in the village of Cotin will soon be marrying 15 couples in the same ceremony. Here are the brides getting fitted for their "Wedding Dresses.” Have you ever tried to squeeze a size 16 into a size 8? This lady insisted this wedding dress fit, but as you can...
I believe in prosperity and how God can bless His people. One very important thing to remember is that we should not give to the poor to see what God will do for us materially. We should give to the poor out of the compassion of Christ in our hearts. When we do this, His...
The majority of Haiti's children do not get even "one good meal a day." Sometimes, they may get a handful of rice, or maybe a few sweet potatoes, but not even one full meal each day. Keep your eyes open and listen with your "heart" so that you can "hear" the cry of the poor....
This past weekend, Robert and Durkje de Vries left for Miami. Robert will be going to the Baptist Hospital of Miami every day this week to receive more physical therapy on his arm and shoulder. Please pray for Robert. There is power in prayer. We want to give a very special thank you to the Baptist...
“But without faith it is impossible to please Him (God)…” Hebrews 11:6 – Someone once said that God is moved more by our “faith” than by our need. His eyes run to and fro looking for that “faith,” and anytime God sees FAITH, it moves Him. Faith is something that says, “It’s going to be...
Bobby and I had such a great time today with our "Love A Child" family here in Haiti. Most of these children would not be alive today if the Lord had not brought them to us. Look at the video of little Christian going up a tree for an egg. God bless you. Bobby and...
These are the future nurses, doctors, dentists and physical therapists of Haiti. These are some of our teenage girls from our Love A Child Orphanage who want to be "the best" for Haiti! Sherry
The children here at our Love A Child Orphanage are all getting ready to go to "Easter Sunday" church service. Haitians love to dress-up, especially for church and if they do not have nice clothes to attend service they will not go to church. Today is the day we say, "He is Risen!" Let us...
"He is not here: for he is risen…”Matthew 28:6—We are serving a Jesus, that is alive as "the grave could not contain Him!" There are many Voodoo services going on here in Haiti. They are looking, searching, and crying out for the "real thing," but He was here, all the time. Today, speak to your...