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Love A Child

Latest News 05-10-2014 2:00 PM

Even though we have been pounded by heavy rains here in Haiti, the new church and school in the village of Old Letant is still going up! We especially want to thank David George and his partners for sponsoring this church. Eventually this will also become a small school in[…]

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Love A Child

Latest News 5-20-2014 6:30 AM

The Love A Child volunteer medical team had an early breakfast this morning before they left for the airport. Many cried as they were getting on our bus to go to Port-au-Prince airport. Without a doubt, this week changed their lives forever. Tammie and Nancy from Love A Child also left with[…]

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Love A Child

Grand Miracle Market Update 05-09-14

The structure of the second building went up today for the Grand Miracle Market. The crew from Nipper Construction can really “walk the dog.” This huge marketplace will change the lives of Haitians in our area and beyond. We are helping Haitians to help themselves. Thank you Pastor Jentezen Franklin[…]

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Love A Child

Clinic Update 05-09-14

Our Mobile Medical Clinic in Despeezo was a GREAT SUCCESS and we have a wonderful mission team to thank. In just two and a half days, we cared for 37 major wound care cases, distributed 91 pairs of eyeglasses, saw 707 patients, gave out 4,468 prescriptions, fed the people, had[…]

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Love A Child

Word from the Mission Field 05-09-14

“Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of the poor, he also shall cry himself, but shall not be heard.” Proverbs 21:13 – We knew of a very rich pastor from the States who would come to Haiti and ask to stay with us. He wanted to come to Haiti,[…]

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Love A Child

Despeezo Crusade 05-08-14

We finished our Mobile Medical Clinic in the voodoo village of Despeezo today. The volunteer team did a fantastic job. We closed the clinic just after noon and took a quick break. Then, we all gathered under the voodoo tree in the village and began praising the Lord.  Our friend[…]

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Love A Child

Despeezo Mobile Medical Clinic – Day 3

Today is day three of our Mobile Medical Clinic in the village of Despeezo. There are more people today than the hundreds who came each of the previous two days. It is unbelievable how desperate Haitians are for medical care. Thank you for your help making this possible for these[…]

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Love A Child

Thought from Bobby 05-08-14

When the woman who raised me took me before the judge, she and her psychiatrist tried to have me put in the same insane asylum as my mother. My pastor told me to be sure to take a good lawyer with me. I said to my pastor, “I am taking[…]

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Love A Child

Marketplace Update 05-07-14

We are “rocking and rolling” here in Haiti. The Grand Miracle Market is going up piece by piece through a lot of hard work. Many Haitian lives will be changed forever, and they will find dignity and hope. We are helping Haitians to help themselves. Thank you Pastor Jentezen Franklin[…]

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Love A Child

Despeezo Missions Team

The mobile medical team started seeing patients before 9 AM this morning. We saw hundreds yesterday and expect to see hundreds more today in the voodoo village of Despeezo. We are sharing the love of Christ. “Love is something you do.” Bobby

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