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Love A Child

Elijah goes to the hospital – 06-30-14

Elijah is the abandoned baby that was found at our front gate on June 1 at 5:30 AM. He was just rushed to the hospital about five minutes ago. The photo on the left was just taken as he was put into the ambulance. Dr. Mardy, from our Jesus Healing[…]

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Love A Child

Word from the Mission Field – 06-30-14

“Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us…” Ephesians 3:20 Please pray that the Lord will supply the money ($38,000) for a new 150,000 KW generator. This is an EMERGENCY! If you would[…]

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Love A Child

LATEST NEWS: 6-29-2014 – 8:30 PM

The only large generator that we had left at our Love A Child compound has gone down again today. We have been having terrible generator problems recently, and without a generator we are facing an emergency situation here. Without electricity we cannot pump water for our orphanage or any of[…]

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Love A Child

Latest News – 6-29-2014 12:30 PM

Today is Sunday and nearly everyone is in Church. The Bible says that true religion is: “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.” – James 1:27 Everything hinges on[…]

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Love A Child

From the Mission Field – 6-29-2014 6:30 AM

“And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God.” – 1 Samuel 30:6 Sometimes it may appear that the enemy[…]

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Love A Child

Latest News – 6-28-2014 6:00 PM

We received a new flock of laying hens today. The boys at our Love A Child Orphanage got right to work under the direction of our new missionary David Balsbaugh, who is the head of our Agricultural Training Center’s poultry and fish farm projects. These agricultural projects help create jobs[…]

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Love A Child

Guess who is going to school – 6-28-14 – 3:30 PM

Guess who’s going to school in September? That’s right, Nelson! He is the little boy we found on his knees among the pigs in the hot sun eating dirt. Nelson was unable to walk or talk when we rescued him from the old village of Le Tant. See what the[…]

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Love A Child

Latest News – 6-28-14 12:45 PM

We were in the mountains of Savaan Pit conducting a Mobile Medical Clinic this week. During this time, our missionary Robert de Vries and his team were busy transporting and distributing 1.3 million meals to hungry people in several villages. This is a huge job and may God bless you[…]

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Love A Child

Update on Elijah – 6-28-2014 6:00 AM

Here are the most recent pictures of Elijah (“Eli” in Creole) that were taken yesterday. A few weeks ago we found Elijah abandoned in front of our gate at Love A Child. He was just a few months old when he was left here. He is now doing really well and[…]

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Love A Child

Back from Savaan Pit – 06-27-14

We have been “deep in the interior” of the mountains in a village where we work called Savaan Pit. Bobby and I, along with our volunteer team from the States and our Haitian interpreters, have traveled for six long hours over rough terrain to reach this village. We will be[…]

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