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Love A Child

Latest News: 7-22-2014 11:30 AM

Today is a special day for physically challenged Haitians to fill out an application to sell goods in the Grand Miracle Market in Haiti. Jobs not only give people food for life, but they also give a person dignity. Special thanks to Villy Choute and his staff at Metro Management[…]

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Love A Child

Word from the Mission Field – 07-22-14

“By faith the walls of Jericho fell down, after they were compassed about seven days.” Hebrews 11:30 – Joshua told his army to shout and the walls of Jericho will fall flat! Get ready to shout and praise the Lord today, because the walls in your life are about to come down[…]

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Love A Child

Sharing our food – 07-21-14

Each time a child receives a full plate of food here in Haiti, it lets us know that we are doing “what the Lord wants us to do.” God bless Pastor Harry in Northwest Haiti for his work among these poor children. We also thank our Love A Child Partners[…]

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Love A Child

Haiti Update – 07-21-14

We welcomed Mark Ostrander to Haiti today. He will be working on the Grand Miracle Market all week. Mark has been to Haiti over 300 times now! On another note, look at this picture that we posted to our Facebook page, and you will see a beautiful playground next to[…]

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Love A Child

Update on Shalken: 7-21-2014 10:00 AM

This is how Shalken looked when he was first brought to our clinic. He has a horrible and rare disease that requires special treatment. We recently ran out of his special medications and vitamins, as they cannot be purchased in Haiti. The photo on the left is what he looks like[…]

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Love A Child

Latest News: 7-20-2014 1:30 PM

This is how we grow healthy kids in Haiti! (smile) These darlings are under the care of our friend Barbara Walker in Ruskin Village to whom we give food each month. This food is donated to us from Feed My Starving Children. Then, our Love A Child partners help sponsor the cost of[…]

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Love A Child

Latest News: 7-20-2014 7:00 AM

On January 20, 1961 President Kennedy said in his famous speech: “And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.” This thought came into my heart. Ask not what God can do for you; ask what you[…]

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Love A Child

Latest update on Elijah: 7-19-2014 8:00 PM

This is Durkje, our Love A Child missionary, holding Elijah. She sent a note with the photo that reads, “I think if Elijah has the operation he will be okay. We don’t know when the team of doctors will be here. God put this little one in our hands and[…]

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Love A Child

Dimilia Update – 07-19-14

This is our darling Dimilia who flew from Haiti to Fort Lauderdale today. Rad and Sandra, our Love A Child Executive Directors, will take her to Maine where she will meet her host family and prepare for surgery at the Shriners Hospital. Special thanks to our wonderful partners for sponsoring[…]

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