THE ENEMY IS COMING… The Spirit of the Lord came upon me to give you this scripture. “When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.” (Isaiah 59:19) Run devil, run! Missionary Bobby Burnette
Lovely… It seems like just yesterday, we saw this baby sitting on the ground, crying. We had heard from a lady named “Madamn Cheap Cheap,” that one of her parents had a disease that would soon bring death, and the other parent (mother) had died. We agreed to bring her in. Lovely has always been...
We are home in Haiti! We arrived home safe here in Haiti today. In the picture are Bobby, Philimond, Jackson, Nurse Phanise, and Sherry. Jackson is doing great! Thank you for your prayers and support. Love is something you do! We love you! Bobby and Sherry
Johnley was born on March 3, 2023. Sadly enough, he is another victim of malnutrition. He arrived at the Jesus Healing Center Clinic, wrapped in a towel, on his mother’s side. He was crying a lot because “his neck hurt and he was very hungry.” His mother had brought him from a distant mountain region....
Those living in Haiti are struggling more and more due to the political and economic turmoil, and gang violence. In their various destitute villages, there are no real resources, but these prudent people have learned to make do with anything they can find, whether that be an abundance of rocks or a surplus of dead...
Shall reap bountifully! “He which soweth sparingly shall also reap sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall also reap bountifully. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9: 6-7 God has a formula that works! We...
Sherry and I are no longer in Florida. We are in Santo Domingo to be with little Jackson and his nurse. The doctor changed his shot schedule this morning along with a change in his medications at the last minute. We are hoping Jackson will be able to leave tomorrow once we have bought his...
Praise God! Jackson and the team can leave Santo Domingo and head back to Haiti. After a week of antibiotics administered directly through the peritoneal dialysis machine, the culture came back negative. There is no sign of the Pseudomonas infection that he tested positive for last week. As a safety precaution, the nurses will continue...
“God May Send You on a Detour.” Sometimes, when the Lord speaks to us to go somewhere or do something, don’t be surprised if you run into a “detour.” In Genesis, chapter 12, Abram has left his own country and is on a long journey with all his relatives to a strange new land. “And...
We just had to bring you up to date on this sweetie, Ti Mika. (Since we already had a “Mika,” we named her Ti Mika, “Little Mika.”) She is one we found sitting on the ground, eating dirt, while we were doing our Love A Child television program. We found out that her parents were...