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Love A Child

Haiti Update – 06-01-14

Sherry and Daniella are with the Dutch Medical Team right now in a very poor village. Our new little baby boy, who was left abandoned at our front gate yesterday morning, just left our Jesus Healing Center after being examined by one of our doctors. He is being sent to[…]

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Love A Child

Word from the Mission Field – 06-02-14

Sherry and I pray for five things every morning: 1. The favor of God 2. The favor of men 3. God’s wisdom 4. God’s knowledge 5. God’s understanding One day of God’s favor is worth a thousand days of labor! God moves through men to bless you and me. Luke[…]

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Love A Child

Latest News 6-1-2014 8:00 PM

Here is another church and school in the middle of “nowhere” in the old village of Le Tant. Today, we dedicated the new Love A Child church and school as huge crowds that praised the Lord joined us. Mud huts with thatched roofs surround the new church and there are[…]

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Love A Child

Abandoned baby update: 6-1-2014 11:00 AM

This adorable little baby boy was left by our front gate, but hidden from sight. Workers heard the weak cry and thought it was a baby goat. Tomorrow, we will take him to our clinic, and he will be referred to a hospital. From there, we will register him at[…]

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Love A Child

Abandoned Baby Boy 6-1-2014

At 5:30 this morning we found an abandoned newborn baby boy who was left at our front gate. He is less than a week old, extremely dehydrated, and has raw skin sores. We will take him to the hospital tomorrow and then to Social Services to see what our next[…]

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Love A Child

Latest New 5-31-2014 8:30 PM

On Monday, our Love A Child Mobile Teams will have moved on to another village in Fond Bayard, Haiti. The team conducted a Mobile Clinic in old Le Tant and La Roche. In the photograph you can see Dr. Cynthia lance a severe abscess in a woman’s leg. In just[…]

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Love A Child

Latest news 5-31-2014 11:00 AM

Sixty-five organizations came out this morning to pick up their monthly food. At least half are orphanages. I love meeting all the missionaries and Haitians. Thank you to Feed My Starving Children for donating this food, and also to our partners for providing the $10,000 needed for shipping each container to[…]

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Love A Child

Latest News 5-31-2014 8 AM

Look at all the hard work by our Missionary Robert de Vries, our Haitian employee named “Breezy,” and one of our Love A Child orphans George. They prepared all this food and many other items to share with over 60 different missionary organizations and ministries who will be coming today![…]

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Love A Child

Latest News 5-31-2014 6:00 AM

Some people want to tear your dreams down, not build your dreams up. There are some people who you think are friends that speak negatively about you behind your back and try to tear your dreams down. Let’s be dream builders and encourage people to their fullest potential for the[…]

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Love A Child

Look what the Lord has done!

Look at what the Lord has done! Here is another beautiful church in the middle of nowhere – in old village of Le Tant! On behalf of many poor Haitians, we want to thank David George and his partners so much! The dedication for this church will be Sunday at[…]

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