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Love A Child

Latest News 5-2-2014 11AM

This is Madamn Miliana. This morning she came to our gate for food. She only had a few ears of green corn to feed her five children, and she had walked many hours to try and find food. She left with a box of food and lots of hope! Sherry

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Love A Child

Latest News 5-3-2014 6:45 AM

This morning over 60 different organizations will be coming to pick up their monthly food supplies. Over half will be orphanages that would tell you they could not make it each month without our food. Thank you to Feed My Starving Children for donating this food and to our partners[…]

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Love A Child

A Visit to Nacou

We had a Food Distribution this morning in Nacou. This is a new location for us, and it is one of the most dangerous places in Haiti. Even with three Haitian police with us, it was still very dangerous! Of course I was right in the middle of all the[…]

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Love A Child

David George and Bobby in new Le Tant church

David George and Bobby are standing inside our new church that is under construction in the old village of Le Tant. The people are rejoicing! There will be a dedication service on June 1st. We thank David George and all of his partners for sponsoring this church. Bobby

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Love A Child

Word from the Mission Field 04-02-14

When your enemy assumes this is your end, God says, “This is just your beginning.” I really feel like this is for someone today. Read the book of Job. The best is yet to come! Bobby

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Love A Child

Haitian crew and Sherry working

Today, I traveled deep into the mountains with missionaries Chris and Cassandra Baker to the Haitian village of Greffin. It took us four hours to finally arrive. Once there, we saw the Haitian crew working hard to get our huge new school built. Their tools were “original,” and they put[…]

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Love A Child

Welcome David George

We welcomed our good friend David George from Georgia to Haiti today. We will be heading out soon to check on the new church and school that David and his partners are sponsoring in the old village of Le Tant. Both David and the people in the village are so[…]

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Love A Child

Update on Sherry’s trip to Greffin 05-01-14

I just talked to Sherry by phone. Sherry along with Chris and Cassandra Baker are three hours into the mountains of Haiti – where there are no roads. They have another hour to travel through a dangerous area high in the mountains. They are traveling all this way to check[…]

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Love A Child

See Sherry’s Journal 05-01-14

Be sure to see Sherry’s Journal today to see how Love A Child is caring for mothers and babies in Haiti and how you can help. Imagine these new mothers delivering a baby with a “rusty razor blade or a lid from a can.” You can help, please click here[…]

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Love A Child

Building churches and schools

Please pray for Sherry along with Chris and Cassandra Baker this morning. They will be traveling four hours into the mountains of Greffin to check on the progress of our brand new Love A Child School. I will be staying here to welcome and work with David George, who is[…]

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