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Love A Child

Note from Pastor Randy Landis

We partnered with Pastor Randy Landis from Life Church to help his team paint an orphanage for physically challenged children in Haiti. Below is a note from Pastor Randy: “Thank you Bobby, Sherry and Love A Child for all the support to make this project happen! Once again, your love[…]

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Love A Child

Marketplace Update 03-24-14

You can see the “Marketplace” (Miracle Market) sprawled out right next to Miracle Village. Our work continues day and night on this sustainability project that we call “Food For Life!” It will create thousands of jobs for the poor and the Lord can “lift up the beggar from the dunghill.”[…]

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Love A Child

Missionary Training Center 03-24-14

“Go ye…” This sometimes means by four-wheel drive, by foot, by mule and yes, even by donkey. Join us on one of our Mission Teams and give one week of your life serving the poorest of the poor. Visit our Mission Teams schedule online and join us on the Mission[…]

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Love A Child

Winning witch doctors to Jesus

Would you know how to win a witch doctor like this to Jesus? We do! We won him to the Lord some time ago, and he showed up at church in a white suit praising the Lord! You will learn “how to win people like this to the Lord” at[…]

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Love A Child

David George in old Le Tant

This is David George standing in front of truckloads of sand and rock in the old Le Tant village where we are building a new church and school. Our previous building that we used for both the church and school was destroyed by the earthquake that opened underground springs and[…]

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Love A Child

As Love A Child continues to grow, we need experienced missionaries to train and eventually lead in several important areas of our ministry. One area of need is a “Medical Administrator” for the Jesus Healing Center. This position requires a registered nursing degree, and the ability to speak French or[…]

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Love A Child

Join a Missions Team 03-24-14

If you have never experienced the joy of coming to Haiti with a Medical Mission Team, don’t wait any longer! Contact our Love A Child office today at (239) 210-6107 to get more information, or check the Mission Teams schedule on our website. You don’t have to be a “medical[…]

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Love A Child

Solange 03-23-14

Solange is seven and a half years old and lives in Miracle Village. When she was about three, Solange lost her right foot in the earthquake. She is doing well today. God makes “good things happen” even from bad things. Sherry

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Love A Child

Welcome David George 03-23-14

Today we welcome David George to Haiti. He and his partners are sponsoring the new church and school in the old Le Tant village. The land has been cleared and construction will begin on Monday. The people of the village are so happy and we are too! Bobby

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