“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Galatians 6:9 – We will be crossing the Dominican Republic border back into Haiti today. Bobby and Sherry
Robert and Durkje’s grandchild – 06-19-14
Urgent prayer request: Robert and Durkje de Vries, two of our field missionaries, became grandparents today. Their son Pieter and his wife Camryn had their first baby early today. The baby began having seizures and was sent to another hospital. Please pray for this baby. Sherry
New School in DR Update – 06-19-14
Sherry, Carlos, Randy, Maribel, Bill, Jeanie, Kitley, Philemon and I have spent all day in the batey (sugar cane workers town) here in the Dominican Republic. We are believing that the Lord will provide a piece of land to build a school to educate the poor Haitian children living in the[…]
Word from the Mission Field – 06-19-14
“Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.” Romans 8:37 – Remember, we are more than conquerors for Jesus! Please read and study Romans 8:35-39 today. A very powerful word! Bobby
Property for a DR school
Tomorrow we meet with the sugar cane field landowners about a school for the poor Haitian children living in the bateyes (sugar cane camps). Some of these landowners have schools on their properties. We are looking at a particular area of land in a batey that really needs a school.[…]
Medical clinic to Savaan Pit – 06-18-14
This weekend we are preparing camping tents, medical supplies, food for the poor, and much more to travel to the “regions beyond” with our volunteer team to the mountains of Savaan Pit. We take our teams into “tough areas” to heal the sick and share the Gospel. Blessings, Sherry
Dominican Republic Update – 06-18-14
Today, we are in the Dominican Republic. Tomorrow is a critical day because we are trying to obtain land to build a school for the poor Haitian children that live in the bateyes (sugar cane camps). We are looking at two different locations tomorrow. The sugar cane owners do not[…]
Word from the Mission Field – 06-18-14
“Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy.” Psalm 82:3 – When we do these things for the poor, the Lord will bless you and me. Let me add one more thought. We must not help the poor thinking that we will be blessed, but we[…]
Winning witch doctor to the Lord
How would you go about “winning a witch doctor” to the Lord so that he follows Jesus, has a water baptism, and becomes an evangelist? Find out “how” to win someone as evil as this to the Lord at our Missionary Training Center, opening in the Regions Beyond in May 2015![…]
Sharing food with In His Ministry
A Haitian Creole proverb says, “You cannot eat okra with only one finger.” What this really means is you cannot do the job alone and need help. Love A Child knows that to feed starving children across Haiti we need help and “we cannot do it alone.” We share our[…]