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Love A Child

Sherry has back pain

Please pray for Sherry.  Two days ago she was lifting a tub in her medical pharmacy and pulled something in her back.  She has been in bed for two days except for attending the short Christmas gathering with the children last evening.  About an hour ago, an orphanage employee started[…]

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Love A Child

James and Monica Satcher Team – 12-30-13

Many poor and naked children in Haiti received wonderful gifts and stories about Jesus from James and Monica Satcher and their evangelistic team today! This is an example of missionaries sharing God’s love and letting their “light shine” for Jesus! Blessings, Sherry

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Love A Child

Word from the Mission Field 12-30-13

“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Galatians 6:9 – Let us continue planting seeds of love, kindness and generosity as we keep doing good works for others.  Have a blessed day!  Bobby

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Love A Child

Christmas is still here

Christmas is still here! God bless our friends James and Monica Satcher and their friends for coming by and sharing gifts of love with the children. They also shared with us the real meaning of Christmas. Thank you!  Bobby and Sherry

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Love A Child

Feeding the poor – 12-29-13

Many times, people who receive food from us have to get it in the darkness of the night, and often they have to take the food “out of the box” and hide it in sacks so that someone will not steal it along the way.  Food in Haiti is just[…]

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Love A Child

Word from the Mission Field 12-29-13

“If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.” Luke 9:23 – Part of the true Gospel is not just the blessings, but learning how to deny ourselves and follow Jesus all the way.  I’ve gone too far to[…]

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Love A Child

Sherry’s Journal 12-28-13

The Bible says, “When you make a feast, call the poor…”  Luke 14:13-14 – Be sure to see Sherry’s Journal about the “Christmas Feast and Party” for the poorest of the poor.   Your hearts will be so touched.  Sherry

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Love A Child

Thank you for helping the poor

Sherry and I want to thank all of our friends and partners for everything we did together this year to help the poor, especially the children.  All which is done in Haiti, we do together. This work would be impossible without your prayers and financial support.  Be watching for our[…]

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Love A Child

Busy Christmas Season 12-27-13

It’s been a busy Christmas here in Haiti for all of us.  In one day, we had three appreciation parties for our Love A Child workers, where we gave out 327 gifts, paychecks and bonuses.  We have another 200 gifts that will go to our schoolteachers and workers in other[…]

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