Jesse Ostrander and his "Father and Son Mission Baseball Team” left for the Dominican Republic today. They will be playing baseball with the Dominican children and distributing baseball gear, food and shoes in some of the poor areas there. Love is something you do. Bobby
“Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.” John 4:35 – The mission field is ready for a harvest. Haiti is ready for a harvest! Bobby and Sherry
Update on the generator: As most of you know our 150 kw generator, which runs the majority of our Love A Child Orphanage, food distribution center, all of our missionary houses, radio station, plus much more, has been breaking down all the time. The total needed was $38,000 and so far we have raised $36,335....
If you feel the call of God to be a missionary, then get ready for eight weeks of intensive 'hands on' training in the Regions Beyond of Haiti at our Missionary Training Center. You'll learn from Bobby and me personally, and from some of the best missionaries in Haiti. You will learn things that you can't learn...
“Blessed is he that considereth the poor: the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble.” Psalm 41:1 - There are seven promises made to those who consider and bless the poor. I believe they are supernatural promises! Please read Psalm 41:1-3 today and have a blessed Sunday. Bobby and Sherry
More bean babies! Once more, on behalf of the children and people in Haiti, we want to thank Ken Lautenbach and Hope Development for the generous donation of delicious dried beans for Haiti. You can look at these little faces and see that your gift has gone into fertile soil... feeding the poor. And now, may...
The Bible says, “That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.” Hebrews 6:12 - We all have faith in His promises, but have you ever asked God to hurry up? Faith and patience work together! Bobby
We love feeding hungry children! That's what we do! Each month we share our food with as many as 65 organizations and feeding programs all over Haiti, who like us, feed so many hungry children. Many would struggle if it were not for the food we receive from Feed My Starving Children. We must bring...
We are so thrilled with the donation of beans from Ken Lautenbach of Hope Development. Beans contain a lot of protein and most poor Haitians cannot afford beans with their rice. These little babies are in a malnutrition outreach at Real Hope for Haiti that we share our food with each month. The Haitians say,...