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Love A Child

Sherry’s Journal 02-18-14

Be sure to read Sherry’s Journal today to see the great blessings that were recently shared with the poor.  It takes many hands working together to change lives and we are so thankful for the wonderful organizations partnering with Love A Child in Haiti.  God bless you, Sherry

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Love A Child

Marketplace Update 02-18-14

Our Miracle Village Marketplace is going up right now in Fond Parisien, Haiti!  The front gates are going up and the crew is busy working with one of our Love A Child missionaries Robert, and Mark Ostrander.  God bless Pastor Jentezen Franklin for sponsoring this project for the poor! Bobby[…]

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Love A Child

Missionary Training Center 02-18-14

Love A Child will be training future missionaries when we open our “Regions Beyond Missionary Training Center” in 2015!  Stay tuned for more news on this exciting outreach!  Bobby and Sherry

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Love A Child

Word from the Mission Field 02-18-14

Jesus said, “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it (feed the hungry) unto me.”  Matthew 25:40 – This child is from Lartigue, which is a very poor area in Haiti.  God bless Feed My Starving Children for donating[…]

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Love A Child

Feed A Child 02-17-14

The best way to feed hungry children in a country like Haiti is to feed them in schools.  Little children who walk through the mountains have no strength to sit and learn in school when they have an empty stomach.  These children are in a school supported by Feed A[…]

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Love A Child

Sponsorship 02-16-14

Child Sponsorship DOES make a difference!  Look at these adorable children from our schools in Savaan Pit and Greffin! Their sponsors sent them dolls and gifts for the New Year!  As you know, each sponsor can send a “special gift” to his or her sponsored child! Pray about sponsoring a[…]

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Love A Child

Visit LAC store

Be sure to order your “Love is something you do…” tee shirt.  Click this link and visit our LAC STORE.  There are many tee shirts to choose from!  These make great gifts! Blessings, Sherry

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Love A Child

DR outreach 02-16-14

We praise the Lord for the wonderful outreach for children in the Dominican Republic. Carlos, with the help of some Dominican pastors, leads this outreach of Christian film and ministry.  Carlos has a great burden for the youth.  PTL and God bless Carlos!  Bobby and Sherry

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Love A Child

Grinder for Madamn Philistine

This is Madamn Philistine, a widow woman from old Le Tant.  We had given her a grinder a while back and she used it so much that it “gave up the ghost!” Now, she has a new one, and she is ready to make a living!  God bless you and[…]

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