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Love A Child

Food Distributions – 01-27-14

All day long, our volunteers here in Haiti have been distributing food and ministering to the poor in several villages.  At the same time, hot food is being served to workers and darling children who are “working for food” and building a road through the mountains.  Whatever we do, we[…]

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Love A Child

Welcome Cliff, Lana and Chip

We welcomed Cliff, Lana and Chip to Haiti yesterday. They are helping us with Food Distributions this week. Cliff is a great preacher and he has really been laying the Word of God on the Haitian people and preaching the devil out of them! Sherry

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Love A Child

Welcomed Cliff Williams to Haiti

We welcomed Cliff Williams along with his wife and son yesterday evening to Haiti.  Cliff has been here several times.  God bless the First Baptist Church of Chicago for building three houses in Miracle Village about a year ago.  Now you can see how your donations have blessed the poor. […]

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Love A Child

Sharing Food 01-26-14

Work for Food – These little boys live near Love A Child in the mountains of Haiti.  They are helping the adults work to make a mountain road passable.  Everyone who helps gets a big plate of food for his hard work! We thank Feed My Starving Children for donating[…]

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Love A Child

Update on Charlie 01-26-14

For those of you who were on the Joyce Meyer Ministries – Hand of Hope Team that traveled to Lastik over a year ago, you may remember little Charlie who was born without legs and arms in the mountains of Peyi Pouri. Be sure to see “Sherry’s Journal” this coming[…]

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Love A Child

Upper Room Church

This morning at 10am, Sherry and I will be doing a live skype from Haiti to the “Upper Room Church” in Valley, Alabama. Pastor Bogey has been a dear friend and supporter for several years now. This will be exciting! Jesus never had this opportunity in his day. Bobby

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Love A Child

Danielle packing products

Danielle is one of our youngest missionaries and she has been very busy in the depot.  She has been packing “brand new clothing” that was donated from World Vision, baby food that came from International Aid, and wonderful metal washtubs that we will distribute to poor Haitian villages this coming[…]

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Love A Child

Reggie comes to front gate

This is Reggie and he has worked with us for many years.  Yesterday morning, he showed up at our front gate and in the back of his pick-up truck was a woman lying down and “already giving birth.”  The baby was “outside” but still attached to the umbilical cord. (She was[…]

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Love A Child

Thank you partners 01-25-14

We thank all of our partners for “going the extra mile” this month and giving to help the poor.  Here is a photo showing just “one” of the fruits of your giving.  This family of squatters was living inside a small metal church by themselves. The children (ages 15, 12, 9[…]

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Love A Child

Word from the Mission Field 0-25-14

“…I say unto you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.” Matthew 25:40. Please read today Matthew 25:35 up to the 40th verse. Such a powerful Word from Jesus. Bobby

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