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Love A Child

John Pierre

Many of you know our Haitian friend John Pierre who helps to oversee the cleaning of Miracle Village.  He has had three major strokes and other problems during the last few hours.  Please pray for him this evening.  Call his name out before the Lord.  Our hearts are very sad[…]

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Love A Child

Sherry’s Journal 01-12-14

What have we done together since the earthquake four years ago?  We have built Miracle Village, built Kingdom Connection Village, and built a church for both villages that seats 1,000 people.  We are also working on sustainability projects and these initiatives include: garden plots in the back of Miracle Village[…]

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Love A Child

Earthquake January 12, 2013

At 4:53 PM four years ago today, the awful earthquake struck Haiti killing over 300,000 people.  All of us in Haiti are still feeling the effects of this massive earthquake.  This is why we are building the Marketplace and other sustainability projects to help these people get back on their[…]

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Love A Child

Marketplace Update 01-11-14

Marketplace Update:  Love A Child is building a huge Marketplace that will be located right next to Miracle Village in Fond Parisien, Haiti.  It is scheduled to be complete by July 1st and is a sustainability project that will give thousands of people jobs.  Thank you Pastor Jentezen Franklin for[…]

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Love A Child

Word from the Mission Field 01-11-14

“Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”  Matthew 25:40 – When we help little Nelson and other children like him, we are doing it unto Jesus.  Bobby  

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Love A Child

Thank you for the photo

I want to thank our friend John for sending this picture of Wisnelson (Nelson) and me. This picture was taken during a visit with the FMSC Team and Mark Crea (in the background). Notice the dirt around Nelson’s mouth. I had just picked him up off the ground while he[…]

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Love A Child

Nelson Update

Here is little Nelson with Sherry this morning. He is our newest little boy and he is too cute! Nelson is four years old and is loved now. Bobby

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Love A Child

Wisnelson 01-10-14

We are all spoiling little Wisnelson.  In the old village of Le Tant, he was always sitting naked in the dirt, he was unloved, not wanted, and always hungry.  Now, his life has changed forever.  Sherry brought him home from his village yesterday.  Wisnelson doesn’t have a sponsor yet, but[…]

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Love A Child

Happy Birthday Leonard

Today is Leonard Pharr’s birthday.  He is 100 years old!  Happy Birthday to you!  We have never met Leonard Pharr in person, but he has faithfully supported Love A Child every month since 2003.  Leonard, when Sherry and I called you on the phone today from Haiti, you sounded great! […]

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