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Love A Child

Word from the Mission Field 12-22-13

“Be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 15:58 – Please know that all you do for the Lord is not in vain.  Keep going forward and don’t give up! […]

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Love A Child

Food Distribution 12-22-13

This morning, we distributed 428,976 meals to other missionaries and organizations that came to Love A Child to receive food. We love partnering with other missionaries because “Youn sel dwet pa kapab manje kalalou. ” “You can’t eat okra with just one finger, it takes the whole hand.” In the[…]

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Love A Child

Bad Hair Day

Keeping up with the orphanage is hard enough, but when you have “bad hair days” it is much harder! Ha!  These are some of our little cuties…Betina and Natalie.  Sherry

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Love A Child

Sharing the food 12-20-13

The most fragile ages of children in Haiti are five and under. They are the ones who suffer the most from malnutrition. In most larger families, the “father and older boys” eat first as they are the ones working in the fields, and then the remaining food trickles down to[…]

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Love A Child

Feeding the Poor

When someone in the States holds up a sign saying, “I’ll work for food.”  Sometimes, we are worried about giving them money because they want the money and won’t “work for food.” Here in Haiti the poor peasants work hard each day building a road through the mountains by hand. […]

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Love A Child

Children playing 12-20-13

There are no video games, Wii’s, or laptops here at the orphanage this morning.  It’s just fun to be kids and use “Play-Doh” again!  Christmas vacation will soon be starting and we have LOTS of children.  That means, “time to work” and “time to play!” Sherry

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Love A Child

Update from Bobby 12-20-13

Sherry flew back to Haiti yesterday.  I had to leave at 5:15 AM yesterday to fly to Raleigh, NC for the funeral of a very dear friend Helen Thompson.  We love all of her family.  Today, I fly to Miami where I will stay overnight and fly to Haiti tomorrow. […]

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Love A Child

Report from Carlos – 12-20-13

This is a report from Carlos in the Dominican Republic.  He is there along with Pastor Randy, David George and many others sharing the love of Christ.   “Yesterday we went to the sugar camp with a sweet Dominican Pastor. This little girl has a medical condition where she can’t[…]

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Love A Child

Feeding the Poor 12-19-13

“For I was hungry, and ye fed me…”  Matthew 25:35 I can remember my father being out of work when I was a child.  My father was out of work with five children and a total of seven mouths to feed, and it was Christmas in Pennsylvania.  He never went[…]

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Love A Child

Thank You LAC Partners – 12-19-13

To all of our close friends and special Love A Child Partners, I wish to thank you with all of my heart for your cards, notes, flowers, and love on behalf of the passing of my dear mother, Marion “Grandma” Barner.  Bless you all, Sherry Please see Sherry’s Journal this[…]

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