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Love A Child

Food Distribution 11-19-13 Afternoon

Today we shared thousands of meals with Haitians living in the Lastik, La Roche, Cotin and Madanm Bauje areas.  Thank you partners for feeding the poorest of the poor. Love is something you do!  Bobby

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Love A Child

Food Distribution 11-19-13

We have returned from Lastik and La Roche where we passed out thousands of meals.  We are now on our way to the villages of Cotin and Madanm Bauje.  Love is something you do!  Bobby

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Love A Child

Food Distribution 11-19-13

We are leaving now with the Feed My Starving Children Team to distribute food in the villages of Lastik and La Roche.  This afternoon, we will distribute food to the Cotin and Madanm Bauje areas.  Love is something you do!  Bobby and Sherry

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Love A Child

Word from the Mission Field 11-19-13

“The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth laborers into his harvest.”  Matthew 9:37-38 – There are 196 countries in the world today.  The Lord has told us to pray that the laborers would go[…]

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Love A Child

Welcome Visitors 11-18-2013

We welcomed Mark Crea, President of Feed My Starving Children, and his wonderful team to Haiti today.  This week, we will distribute thousands of meals to children and adults living in extremely poor villages.  Feed My Starving Children and Love A Child have been partnering to feed the hungry for[…]

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Love A Child

Update on the Burnt House

The judge came out to new Le Tant (Kingdom Connection Village) to investigate the fire from last night, even though today is a holiday here in Haiti.  One person is already in jail, and by now they probably have arrested others.  It looks like some young thugs made the Christian[…]

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Love A Child

Burnt house

Here is the house that burnt down last night in new Le Tant also called Kingdom Connection Village.  Thank the Lord for the Miracle Village Firefighters!  We lost one house, but saved the village.  This morning, we found out that many of the windows of other houses had been smashed[…]

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Love A Child

Breaking News 11-18-2013

BREAKING NEWS!  AT 12:15 AM this morning, a fire broke out in new Le Tant also called Kingdom Connection Village. One house burnt down.  Our Miracle Village firefighters were on the scene immediately and saved all of the other homes!

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Love A Child

Ericka 11-17-13

When we first found Ericka, she was lying on a dirt floor in a mud hut covered with oozing sores and starving to death.  Her mother was lying beside her and dying because of childbirth fever.  Ericka was so malnourished that it affected her mental development.  She does not talk[…]

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Love A Child

Word from the Mission Field 11-17-2013

“Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” Joshua 1:9 – Be strong and not afraid today and this coming week.  The Lord is with thee.  Be of a good courage as the[…]

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