We were so glad to spend several hours with Richard Frits and Mike Welch today. Richard is the Director of Program Development for an international poultry program, and Mike operates Harrison Chicken. They are both sponsoring our chicken co-op project and helping Haitians to help themselves. Bobby
Look what a great difference love and food can make! We share our food with great missionary friends like Sherri Fausey of the Christian Light School. She was feeding children in a ravine where about 70% of them were malnourished. Just look at these kids today! It is amazing! Thank you Feed My Starving Children...
Galatians 6:9 teaches us "not to be weary in well doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." Sometimes, this is hard to do and feeding hungry families in Haiti can be difficult. Sometimes they become frightened that there will not be enough food for them and fights can easily break...
We wish to thank Rob Padberg from the Bureau of Nutrition and Development for a recent donation of food for five of our Love A Child Schools! These children live in "hard to reach" poor areas, and this food is vital to them for school. This is an organization from the Netherlands and we just love them! Thank you so much!...
We want to thank Feed My Starving Children for donating nutritious food to Love A Child so that we can feed the poor. Not only do we feed 7,000 children daily in our schools, but also we share this food with other ministries like this one in Cite Soleil so their children can eat too....
What a wonderful outreach Love A Child is doing for the poor Haitians and Dominicans living just across the border. We are so proud of Carlos, our Team Host, for leading this outreach for the poor. He is working with several pastors and a sweet elderly lady that is "his pastor." He is sharing Feed...
The boys really love working in our Chicken Co-Op Program with James, the director. Poor Haitians come, work and learn to make a living for "their families." God bless everyone who helped to make this happen! Bobby
Colin will have surgery on Friday to have the "metal pins removed from his fingers." He had surgery on his badly burned hand about a month ago. You may remember that Colin tried to take a small handful of rice from the pot of food that his stepmother had cooked for the family. His father,...
Carlos is still busy in the sugar cane camps distributing food, love and the Gospel to the poor Haitians who work there. Cutting sugar cane is a rough job with little pay, and sometimes "what you do" speaks louder than "what you say." Sherry