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Love A Child

Word from the Mission Field 11-05-13

11-05-2013 – 6:15 AM Apostle Paul said, “You must preach the gospel in the regions beyond…”  – II Corinthians 10:16 – This morning, our Love A Child Medical Team and some of our Haitian staff, a total of 37 people, are going to the regions beyond to care for the[…]

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Love A Child

LAC Medical Team 11-04-13

11-04-2013 – 8 PM Our Love A Child Medical Team will leave early tomorrow morning for the regions beyond.  We will conduct a medical clinic in the interior of Haiti. The entire team will be sleeping in tents.  We will have a special church service on Wednesday evening.  We are[…]

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Love A Child

Visitors in Haiti 11-04-13

11-04-2013 – 3:30 PM Our team just arrived to go to the mountains for a Mobile Clinic.  They are unpacking in their tents right now.  This evening, they will spend several more hours packing trucks full of medicine, supplies for the clinic and food for the hungry people living in[…]

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Love A Child

Colin 11-04-2013

11-04-2013 – 8:15 AM Little five-year-old Colin just had a major operation on his hand and fingers due to his “satanic father” holding his hand down in a charcoal fire! We pray that his hand will heal normally in the name of Jesus. Sherry

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Love A Child

Mission Thought 11-04-2013

11-04-2013 – 7:00 AM When we are living out our faith with integrity and compassion in this world, God can use us to give others a glimpse of His love and character. God is responsible for the harvest, but we must plant, water, and cultivate the seeds. All the beautiful[…]

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Love A Child


11-03-2013 – 6:30 PM This is Islene, a little girl from a poor Haitian village.  She was out gathering sticks to build a fire for her mother.  She is happy now because her mother will have food to cook on that fire.  Special thanks goes to all of our Love[…]

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Love A Child

Colin 11-03-2013

11-03-2013 – 8 AM Our little five-year-old Colin will leave this morning for a hospital here in Haiti to have surgery on his hand. His father held his hand in a charcoal fire because Colin was hungry and reached in the pot for a handful of food. Sherry

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Love A Child

Visitors in Haiti – 11-02-13

11-02-2013 – 7 PM Pastor Randy Landis, Ramon and Kids Around The World came into Haiti and went straight to Jacmel to put in a playground. We partner to change lives and make children happy!

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Love A Child

Voodoo Drums 11-02-13

11-02-2013 – 4:15 PM We are hearing a lot of Voodoo drums in the Victory Church mission housing area this afternoon.  In the 22 years that we have lived in Haiti, I have never heard Voodoo drums during the day like we are hearing now.  Our Haitian security guards are[…]

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Love A Child

Visitors in Haiti 11-02-13

11-02-2013 – 12:30 PM This afternoon, we welcome Chris, his wife Cassandra and ten of their mission interns. They have their own mission housing here (Victory Church of Tulsa, OK) but it is not safe because of the shootings last night.  The group will be staying at Love A Child[…]

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