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Love A Child

Special Thanks

09-23-2013 – 6:15 AM “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet.” Psalms 119:105 –   Here is another picture of us passing out Bibles on the last night of the crusade in Bavaro in the Dominican Republic.  Most were new converts and they were thankful for the Bibles.  Thank[…]

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Love A Child

Almost Home.

9-22-2013 – 5:45 PM We just crossed the border into Haiti.  The border closes at 6 PM.  PTL!  We are almost home.  Bobby and Sherry

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Love A Child

Pray For US!

9-22-2013 – 4:45 PM  We left our broken down vehicle behind and we are trying to make it to the Haitian border.  Bobby

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Love A Child

Traveling with four vehicles back to Haiti

9-22-2013 – 2:15 PM We are traveling with four vehicles carrying all of our missionaries back to Fond Parisien from the crusade in the Dominican Republic.  We are five hours from the Haitian border and we are having vehicle issues.  Please pray for us.  Bobby and Sherry

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Love A Child

The Lord gave a great harvest!

9-22-2013 – 6:30 AM  Last evening over 1,000 people had to stand during the crusade!  There were not enough chairs for everyone.  The Lord gave a great harvest!  Be watching Sherry’s Journal for all of the details.  Today we drive for eight hours back home to Haiti.  Bobby and Sherry

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Love A Child

Many came to the Lord

09-20-13 – 9:45 AM Last night many came to the Lord. David George preached and heaven came down! Today at 3:30 is our big Christian parade that will end at the huge gospel tent! Bobby

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Love A Child

“That which is in your hand, is yours.”

09-20-2013 – 815 AM A Haitian Creole Proverb…”Sa ki nan men ou, se li ki pa ou.”  “That which is in your hand, is yours.”   Find out what this Creole Proverb means.  See Sherry’s Journal today and you will see many blessings coming to Haiti.  Sherry

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Love A Child

Why we feed the hungry

09-20-2013 – 6:30 AM “Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?”  Romans 2:4 People often ask us why we feed the hungry, clothe the naked, care for the sick, and provide things like education,[…]

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