All of our children are getting ready for Christmas! All of us at Love A Child, along with our own families, and the children of Haiti wish all of you a blessed Christmas! Bobby & Sherry P.S. In Haiti, everyone stays up ALL NIGHT LONG on Christmas Eve! No sleep for us!
"Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will..." Ephesians 1:5 - We are adopted into the family of God just like these children are adopted into our family here in Haiti. Sherry and I are the only parents these children have ever...
One of the "fun things" that we do at Love A Child is find wedding dresses and suits for young couples. The average Haitian man or woman could never afford a beautiful wedding gown. Thank you so much to our wonderful partners who help us to make this happen!! God bless Durkje, our Love A...
Sherry and I are in Florida preparing for our Love A Child board meeting on Thursday. The board members will start arriving tomorrow. This Saturday at noon we will have our Love A Child luncheon in Naples, Florida and on Sunday at 1:30 PM, we will have a Love A Child luncheon in St. Petersburg,...
“By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went.” Hebrews 11:8 – The heroes of our faith all lived simply believing in an invisible God whom they could not see or touch. Faith...
Here is the CrossPointe Church Team from Valdosta, GA working on the Chicken Coop that will be located in the new Marketplace. We are so excited to have this group working on a project that is designed to help Haitians help themselves. Love is something you do! Bobby
The CrossPointe Church Team led by Tim Aldridge from Valdosta, GA arrived today, along with Mark and Jesse Ostrander. Robert and the Haitian crew prepared everything for their arrival. The team is working right now on the Chicken Coop, which will be in the future Marketplace. This project will produce 1,000 chickens per week! Thank you...