All my life, I’ve always heard about the “calling of God” to “go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.” Couples have sold their homes, and people have left their jobs to move to the mission field…anywhere they felt that God wanted them to go. Many left “by faith” with no...
She was born in Croix-des-Bouquets, about 20 miles from us. Her mother had died, and her father, who repaired bicycles, could not care for her. At nine months old, she was extremely malnourished when her young father brought her to us. Sandraline helps with ironing, cleaning, and helping with small children. She loves church, puzzles,...
Dr. Ted Higgins and I just returned from the river diversion project here in Fond Parisien. We have been trying to help, with your help, to fund the river diversion to keep the many little Haitian families from losing their homes and families. Sherry and I have friends who have been killed during the flash...
"We All Have Enemies" Just because we may love everyone, it doesn’t mean they will love us. You may love everyone, but you will always have an enemy somewhere. It could be someone “jealous of you,” or “jealous that people like you.” In fact, you don’t have to do anything mean or hateful to have...
We found this sweetie when we were doing a Love A Child television program. I saw an elderly and thin Grandma carrying this baby in her arms and feeding her a few grains of rice. We knew this toddler with red hair and a swollen belly would not have a good life. So, we asked...
Sampson, our Rottie, has had some problems with his hip. He has to have 1/2 of a shot (the same thing horses use) and he is taking it once a week. Our nurse Phanise, who usually does this, was not here so I went to our clinic to find a “brave soul” to give Sampson...
Haitian staff housing is under construction! In the midst of crisis, we’ll be moving forward. Thank you, Pastor Mark and your Haitian construction dream team. You guys can walk the dog! Bobby Burnette
Is it time for a spiritual checkup? The Bible says, “There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.” 1 Corinthians 15:44 – Once a year, Sherry and I go see the doctor for a physical checkup. It’s also important in our lives to have a spiritual checkup. I’ve learned something very important with my...
We welcome Pastor Mark Ostrander to Haiti! He came through the back door! When I took this picture, Pastor Mark and some of his workers were building more staff housing, plus working on four more projects. Pastor Mark is a multi-tasked person. His son, Jesse, is in Santo Domingo with some of our children taking...
Baby Elka was examined by five doctors from Operacion Sonrisa (Operation Smile). The poor baby was ready for a nap when we were finally finished. She was screened by a nurse and then met with a pediatrician, an ear, nose, and throat doctor, a nutritionist, and two other doctors. They are determining if she is...