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Love A Child Kids… “Off to College”

Love A Child Kids… “Off to College”

Haiti is very dangerous in some areas. We have Bianca, Kidney, and Lovely going off today. Our college kids must go through “gang territory” to get to their apartment so that they can go to college. The trip is “fragile,” as they will be stopped by gangs along the way. We are asking you, right...
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Latest Update from the Mission Field

Latest Update from the Mission Field

Today we are witnessing a little miracle in the midst of total chaos! This morning we started a fireman training at a safe place across the border in the DR. Thank you, RTS mission, for this beautiful safe location. Yesterday we got word that on Thursday, they plan to shut the border down because of...
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Healing from the Inside Out…

Healing from the Inside Out…

Our “Jesus Healing Center” does just what it’s supposed to do… “Provide healing from the inside out!” Each morning starts with prayer, and then, they hold up the “Book of Remembrance” to pray for all who helped sacrifice to build the “Jesus Healing Center!” They sing, and our Pastor prays with them; then, it’s time...
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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

Sometimes we are in the valley, sometimes on top of the mountain. Some of you are in the valley and have been there for some time. Others receive criticism. Your family does not understand why you are serving Christ. Others may laugh at you and talk about you. Some of your friends may be against...
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Thank You for Making a Difference!

Thank You for Making a Difference!

This weekend Love A Child reached out to the neglected and the unreached children of Corail, Haiti in the Nippes area. Over 150 very hungry children walked over the mountains and the hills to receive a hot, nutritious meal. Word got out that the Love A Child team was coming, and these small children walked...
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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

We serve an “I Change Not,” God! Bobby and I have been working in the ministry for many years… since we were married. Like you, we met people we loved, and thought they could never change, but, they did. So many that we trusted and helped, “broke our hearts.” They weren’t “who we thought they were.” We...
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Lovely’s Dream

Lovely’s Dream

Years ago, a sweet lady named “Madamn Cheap Cheap,” told us about a baby whose mother had died and whose father had abandoned her, due to her sickness. We took “Lovely” into our orphanage. She was born with a disease that caused her to have to take certain medicines for her health. She is still...
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Our Malnutrition Clinic

Our Malnutrition Clinic

These are some “cuties” that are getting ready to go home. When they were brought to us, they were at “death’s door.” We have a beautiful, wonderful Malnutrition Clinic. We have doctors, nurses, and “mommies!” There is a lot of work involved. The babies and toddlers must come to our Jesus Healing Center first and...
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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

ON THE WINNING SIDE: I feel in the spirit of the Lord, this is for someone special. If the devil has knocked you down, then get back up!! "If God be for us, who can be against us?” Romans 8:31 “Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.” Romans...
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Our College Kids Face Great Challenges!

Our College Kids Face Great Challenges!

Living in Haiti, a country dominated by gangs is very difficult. It's not only "trying to stay out of the gang areas," or "how to figure out how to buy food, when you have to go through gang areas," but also "how to get a child to the hospital, when you have to go through...
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