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Word from the Mission Field

“I will not fail thee nor forsake thee.” Joshua 1:5 These are words that God spoke to the young man, Joshua, after Moses died. And then the Lord repeated this three times, “Be strong and of a good courage.” Joshua 1:6 We can tackle any battle as long as we[…]

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There’s No Place Like Home!

Our baby, Dumolia (Dimelia), is “home for the holidays!” It’s hard for a young girl to be in college in another country, when she misses home in Haiti! Dumolia is studying medicine and wants to be a nurse, and perhaps a doctor. She could not go to college in Haiti[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

LET JESUS’ LIGHT SHINE! “Ye are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so[…]

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Fighting for Life in a “Gang Infested” Country…

Since the day we first opened our Birthing Center, we have helped save the lives of many mothers and their babies. Our maternity staff works day and night. Last night, five little babies came into the world, in a country where gunfire, roadblocks, and threats are a reality! Since the[…]

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Update from the Mission Field

This is Bobby [messaging] from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Sherry is back in Haiti… Our internet and phone service are not working again. I would say, in all actuality, Haiti is in a failed state. I hope and pray something happens soon. Haiti cannot go on like this with the[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Is there anything too hard for the Lord?” There will always be times in our lives when we go through something that seems “insurmountable.” You may have felt like “I can’t do this anymore.” I remember one time, years ago in Haiti, when I got into a situation that could have killed me. I had gone with[…]

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Miracle Diesel!

Miracle of 9,000 gallons of diesel!!! Last evening, after our guys were struggling to buy a few gallons from the black market, which they did, a long diesel tanker came driving into Love A Child with 9,000 gallons of fuel! PTL! I wasn’t expecting this to happen. The diesel tanker[…]

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Latest News

To all our friends… this is Sherry. We have had very little internet today. As you may know, Bobby had some problems getting to the Dominican Republic, but he finally made it. He will take care of some business and be back in a day or two. Thank you for[…]

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Mikael… A Prodigal Son Returns

Mikael is one of our older Love A Child kids. He knows what it means to know “The God of the Second Chance.” He did well for many years, but like so many young men… he got into trouble. He left and we did not see him for a while.[…]

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Update from the Mission Field

Wow!! PTL! Nine thousand gallons of diesel arrived last night here at Love A Child. It wasn’t really expected. How the diesel tanker made it here through the gangs is unbelievable! Yesterday morning the Papaya gang shot and killed a young man from our area. The police and the gangs[…]

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