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Let’s Go to Church!

In Haiti, you don’t have to “drag” the kids to church! Haitian children love church! Right now, especially, with the gangs on the streets, the kidnappings, the robberies, and the lack of security, when Haitians go to church, it is a sacrifice! But well worth it! Thankfully, our children at Love A[…]

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Last Chance

In Luke 9, a man named Jarius, met up with Jesus and the crowd that thronged Him. This man’s daughter was dying, and he asked Jesus to come and heal her. This was a matter of urgency… But as Jesus walked, the crowd thronged Him even more and in this[…]

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Raising Thoroughbreds

When we first moved our orphanage full of children to our land in Fond Parisien, Haiti, one of the biggest projects was “building an orphanage.” We had a plan to build a large orphanage, two stories high, but then it would cost a lot of money. Someone told us, “build[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

Stop living in the past… “Forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before. I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3: 13,14 Some people live more in the past than they do for[…]

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Now, Open Up Wide!

This is our sweet Fabienne. She has been with us since she was about four or five years old. Her mother washed clothes by hand when we were at our first “old orphanage building.” Her mother did not have the money to send her to school, so we decided to help her.[…]

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Gabion Houses Under Construction!

In the deep, remote village of Larrate, in the county of Little River in South Haiti, the Pierre family works together carrying sand, cement, and stone on their backs up through the hills to bring the materials to finish their new house being built by Love A Child. This area[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Stop crying. Something better is on the way!” In 1st Samuel 16:1, the Lord speaks to the Prophet Samuel. Samuel was the Prophet of God who had anointed Saul as King. But now Saul has disobeyed the Lord time and time again, and the Spirit of God has lifted from[…]

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She Was Made To Dance!

Ginyia… The Haitian spelling is Djinia. This cute little 9-year-old has a lot of talent. Either one or both of her parents were Dominican. Her mother died during a C-section, and her father abandoned her and left for the Dominican Republic. He never returned. She was being raised by her 17-year-old cousin,[…]

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George Washington’s Thanksgiving Proclamation

We are thankful to God for all his blessings this year. We are thankful to so many of you who have stood by us blessing the poor of Haiti. George Washington was our first President and was a Christian. On October 3, 1789, the President of the United States, George Washington gave[…]

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LAC TV Program “Refuge and Strength” Begins Friday!

Thousands of families lost their homes in last year’s devastating earthquake. Since then, they have had to scrounge together leftover rubble to construct makeshift shelters. These homes provide their children minimal protection from the rain and mud; they have survived this way for months, with no hope in sight. Love[…]

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