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LAC TV Program “The Struggle of the Poor” Begins Friday!

Bobby and Sherry travel to Mon Oreg for the first time to deliver food and the love of God; while there, they happen upon a child with one of the most heartbreaking, life-threatening injuries they’ve ever encountered. Parents leave their young children at home alone while they look for work;[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Mom’s Favorite Scripture” My mother was a saint. She raised five children with an alcoholic husband, and never missed a day of church. Even when the snow was piled high, or when there was no food on the table, she never doubted God. She always taught me that God gives little[…]

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Our Jackson…

When we first met Jackson (Jasson) in the mountains of Savaan Pit, Haiti, it was during a Mobile Medical Clinic. Jackson’s uncle had brought him to us because “Jackson was sick!” He was not only sick… he was dying of severe Kwashiorkor Malnutrition. His stomach was so full of water[…]

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Latest Haiti News

First of all, as you may know, Sherry broke her back in Haiti in two places (two fractures). She has two more weeks of therapy then we can return to Haiti. I felt like I should be with her here in Florida during her therapy. She is doing great! Very[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“That Old Measuring Stick, Again…” Jesus had been teaching to a large crowd… people had come from Jerusalem, all of Judea, and from the seacoast of Tyre and Sidon. After healing many, Jesus began to teach things they had never heard of before… “love your enemies.” “Be ye therefore merciful,[…]

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Our Esther

Esther is the “younger sister” of Widlene. She was an infant of just about five-months-old when her mother, Madamn Jesula, appeared at the gate of our house in Haiti. This was “high in the mountains,” and we always had poor people knocking on our gate for “something…” This time, a[…]

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Haiti Current News Update

Tomorrow morning by 9:30 AM, I will be giving the latest news on what is happening in Haiti, and how the Haitians are surviving, along with Love A Child. News on Sherry, the fuel, the unrest, the gangs, political news and the economy. Through it all we are moving forward[…]

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Between Life and Death… Kervensley’s Story

Abandonment is a horrible word, especially for a child in Haiti. For a toddler, it can usually mean “death by malnutrition.” This is what is happening all over Haiti… fathers have a responsibility of caring for their children, but there are no jobs. They choose to flee to the Dominican[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“He’s the God of the Second Chance!” Have you ever felt like you “really messed up your life?” Or maybe God called you to do something, and you haven’t done it yet? Great people in the Bible have failed God, and yet, God used them in a mighty way. Moses killed an Egyptian (Exodus[…]

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Wilguens… “Grandpa”

Wilguens (Jacque) never gets into trouble, but he’s hard to find! What an unusual little guy this is! He and his sister, Fabiola, were left with their father when their mother died. Their stepmother did not want them. When their father would go to look for work, he would be[…]

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