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Our Ada…

She is 16 now and what a sweet young lady! Ada, nicknamed Jessica, came from Cap-Haïtien along with her siblings – a boy named Raphael and an older sister named Bianca. They were brought here by their aunt, with the story that their parents took a “small Haitian boat” to[…]

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Bernado’s Story… Dry, Moldy Bread and Water

Bernado is four years old. He is one of the many children who have been abandoned here in Haiti their father left for the Dominican Republic, never coming back. He does not know if Bernado is dead or alive, and he doesn’t care. Madam St. Vil is Bernado’s mother. She[…]

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More happy families!

Here is the Jean Louis family receiving their new Gabion house in South Haiti (in the interior)! They are a sweet family, very happy and very thankful! In the southern part of Haiti, it has been raining heavily for three days. We have given many families tarps and over 2,000[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“You Just Can’t See Who’s On Your Side!” “Not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit, Saith the Lord of Hosts.” Zechariah 4:6 “He had never held a sword, or served in the army of Israel. In fact, his job was to work in his father’s threshing floor[…]

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Still A Little Girl At Heart

Rodna… She still loves dolls, but she’s all grown up! Her mother died when she was born, and her father had to borrow the money for the funeral. It was told to us that the man her father “borrowed” the money from was so evil that he kidnapped the children[…]

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Lovencia… The Rest of the Story

Little 19-month-old Lovencia is the youngest of four children. She lives with her parents in a very poor area of Haiti. The parents are so destitute, that they do not have enough food to feed their children, even two meals a day. The family’s staple diet is rice and sometimes[…]

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What a beautiful name for a little baby with extreme malnutrition. But now, malnutrition is killing more babies here in Haiti than ever before… Their parents are poor, like Lovencia’s mother. They want to “work” but cannot get through the gangs. This past Sunday, a group of gang members stopped[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory…” (Philippians 4:19) When Bobby and I got married, we “were very poor.” In fact, on our wedding day, he had sold citrus trees for $1 and made $40. My brother gave us $100 for a wedding gift[…]

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The Story of Barry…

It was many years ago that we were doing Mobile Clinics in the village of L’Estere, Haiti. It is located in the L’Artibonite Valley, where the majority of the poor work for wealthy land owners “growing rice.” One day while in a Mobile Clinic there, someone called out, “Come quickly.[…]

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ATC Avocado Harvest

Look at the harvest of avocado this morning from our ATC program! The children here at our Children’s Home will love them! So healthy and delicious. Yum yum… Wilner Exil and his team, along with the students, are doing a great job! This is a sustainability project teaching Haitians how[…]

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