Sherry and I are here at the FMSC conference. We are sitting in a session listening to Marilee Pierce Dunker, the daughter of Bob Pierce, who founded “World Vision” and “Samaritan's Purse.” She is teaching how the ministry can and will affect your life through the hard times and good times. So powerful... I have...
Love A Child traveled up the isolated mountains to the village of Bwa Pen and found many suffering families and starving children. Mothers toil all day, planting food, selling goods, and searching for scraps to feed their families; their children still suffer through the pains of hunger. Their children don’t know what it’s like to...
We have been attending a wonderful conference with our Partners from Feed My Starving Children. We just got here last night and will be returning to Haiti in a couple of days. The theme of the conference was “satisfy.” They brought so many scriptures during devotion to explain how the Bible uses the word “satisfy.”...
Fabienne was born in Petionville. Her father was not able to care for her, so we brought her into our Love A Child Orphanage. She is so sweet and gentle and always giggly and shy. When we had our Mobile Clinics, we also had Dental Clinics. Fabienne was responsible for helping the dentists and also...
Sometimes, it’s hard to get people “back to work” in the States. With so many businesses closing during Covid, it was tough to get people to come back to work. When we would fly back to the States, we would see people holding up signs saying “I need money for food,” and they would be...
Greetings from the Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) Conference starting today in Deerfield Beach, Florida. We are standing with Mark Crea, the President of FMSC. We have been good friends for years. FMSC serves the poor with FMSC meals around the world. They are wonderful people and a platinum organization. We return back to Haiti...
“Inasmuch as he have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. For I was an hungered, and you gave me no meat; I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me not in; naked, and ye clothed...
Zoey… It’s hard to believe she was abandoned on a dirt road next to the village of Letant. Her mother was poor and she couldn’t support another hungry child. So, she abandoned her. Luckily, our truck was headed down that road and we took her to the Department of Social Services… but they had too...
We will be arriving late this evening in Deerfield Beach, Florida. Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) will be having a conference tomorrow and Thursday. On Friday, Sherry and I will be traveling back to Haiti through the back door. We are very thankful to FMSC for all their help for around 19 years now. They...
"Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy. Deliver the poor and needy..." Psalms 82: 3 & 4 When we bless others the Lord will bless us! (Psalms 41: 1,2,3) Missionary Bobby Burnette