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LAC TV Program “Children of the Mud” Begins Friday!

Love A Child takes you into the villages that work tirelessly to make the mud cookies that they and other impoverished villagers eat to stave off hunger pains. Your heart will break as you see children born into this mud cookie reality. Fathers spend all their lives harvesting the rock[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God…” Do you realize that God has given us a commandment to love Him? Why should He have to do that? He is our everything! We can only “exist” by Him! He controls each heartbeat, each breath of air, each step we take. He[…]

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Sometimes They Call Her “Madamn Jeune”

Ericka… sometimes they call her “Madamn Jeune,” an affectionate name for an older woman working with small children. Ericka is very good with small children. She has great patience. She is now 17 and still has a speech problem. Ericka’s mother became ill right after she was born, probably due[…]

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Our Jesus Healing Center… A Safe Place for the Sick

Everyone needs a place where they can feel calm. Our Jesus Healing Center is considered a “haven of peace” for all those who are in need, all those who cannot get to other hospitals for treatment, and all those who are in terror because of the activities of armed gangs[…]

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The Timing of God

In 1st Samuel Chapter 16, we see a great Prophet of God, Samuel, mourning over the disobedience of Saul, as king of Israel. This affected the Prophet Samuel so much, that he spent much time mourning over Saul. The Bible says that the “Lord repented that he had made Saul[…]

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Kenson, A Passion for Fashion

Kenson’s mother and father both died when he was a baby. That’s when he was brought to our “Love A Child Orphanage.” After finishing “Philo” (the 13th year of school in Haiti), he began volunteering at our “Mechanic Shop!” We have so many vehicles which are about ready to “give[…]

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Happy families in South Haiti!

Here are 10 more happy families moving into their brand-new “earthquake-proof” Gabion houses! While Sherry and I were in Africa last week, Jesse and Kim Ostrander were in South Haiti, helping more families move into their new homes. These families had lost their houses in the earthquake last August, like[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Hands Wide Open” It doesn’t matter how big your house is or if you drive a new “souped-up car.” What matters in this life is how you treat the poor. Many people, even Christians, are stingy. They want to give their “least” to the poor. But the Bible says to[…]

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Update News 

We are preparing for these next two days to be giving out Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) meals and cooking some hot delicious meals for the children in the interior. From there, another location on Thursday and Friday. Thank you – we got your prayers and support. Love is something[…]

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More and More Malnourished Children are Suffering…

Due to the heavy crime problems here in Haiti, it is easy to see why so many babies and toddlers are malnourished and have to be brought to Malnutrition Centers. It is because the working parents (who sell) cannot get their produce, chickens, or whatever it is they sell to[…]

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