“The Lord that delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, He will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine.” 1 Samuel 17:37 We must all face giants in our life, but we are not alone. The Lord will deliver us! Bobby and Sherry
Zachary… He looks happy and safe now, but that wasn’t the case two years ago when he was about two months old. His mother had been “deep into Voodoo,” and was acting strangely when she came to our Jesus Healing Center Clinic, complaining she was sick. But, our doctor immediately recognized that there was a...
Our sweet Dumolia is doing well in her college in Jamaica. Dumolia was brought to us by her father when she was about four. A large pot of boiling water had fallen on her, melting the skin on her neck and chest. She was taken to a hospital in Haiti, but she was left with...
"Digging up Bones." All of us are guilty of it. Digging up bones. “Well, last year, she told a lie on me… Five years ago, he called me a name… He cheated me out of money about seven years ago…" Sometimes, we hold on to things that don't "make us better," but instead, they make...
Looking at little Joshua, you can automatically tell that he is a little "stinker!" This kid is always smiling, and always stands like a little ole’ man with his hands in his pockets! Actually, he has that little mischievous grin that makes you think he's been up to something (and he probably has!) You could...
Food/etc. containers: Unbelievably we still have 28 containers stuck at Port Lafito, Haiti. The port is still closed! The port is completely full of everyone's containers. The gangs on the road make it too dangerous to even try to pick up the 40-foot containers, plus the customs officials can't even come to work. Late fees are...
“Hands Wide Open.” It doesn’t matter how big your house is or if you drive a new “souped-up car.” What matters in this life is how you treat the poor. Many people, even Christians, are stingy. They want to give their “least” to the poor. But the Bible says to do something else… “thou shalt...
He wasn’t always smiling… You see, Jonas was beaten, tortured, and made to work like a grown man because he was a “restavek slave child!” We found Jonas while doing a “Food Distribution” in the mountains. His mother and father had died, so he was sent to a relative to work… and when I say...
Yonel shouldn't be alive! His Grandmother brought him and his smaller sister to our Mobile Clinic years ago. We knew that Yonel's sister would die "any minute," but we thought we could save him if we took him into our orphanage. He was "skin and bones" and starving to death! Some said he had been...
Celimene Alexandre and her family live in Larrate, in Petite Riviere de Nippes. They are so happy to be receiving one of six more houses finished this week! Celimene carries a basket on her head from the marketplace with prepared food to sell, to provide for her family. Thank you to all of our friends...