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The Malnutrition Center

In Haiti, when a child is still alive at the age of five, they are referred to as little survivors; malnutrition is one of many major threats to their survival. Our Malnutrition Center is here to help children become little survivors. With the best food, medicine, and care, we help[…]

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The Children from the Village of Nippes

Attention: For those of you who have been praying for the release of our Food Container, keep on praying. We should hear about this today. We should have more information by noon or after regarding the container and food. Thankfully, our semi-driver, Casimi, was released safely! Check back around noon[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Great faith is the product of great fights!” – Smith Wigglesworth When I see someone with great faith, I know they have been in the battle. “Fight the good fight of faith, lay on hold eternal life…” (1 Timothy 6:12) We are on the winning side! Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Jonas! Just Look at that Smile!

We found Jonas in the mountains about a little over a year ago. He was a “restavek slave child” who worked the gardens for a Haitian lady. Jonas’ parents had both died and he had no relatives, so a lady in the mountains took him in. She needed someone to[…]

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Kidnapped Update:

PTL! Just got off the phone with Nelio our Haitian Director. We have obtained the release of Casimi our semi-driver! He is safe, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your prayers. He got released fast!!! The gang still has our semi and our 40-foot container with 272,000[…]

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Please pray! Casimi, our container driver, along with our security, just got kidnapped 10 minutes ago by the “400 Mawozo Gang!” They took our full load of Feed My Starving Children Meals – that’s 272,000 meals on board! They took our semi and container with all the food inside… Our[…]

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A Cup of Cold Water

People say, “You never miss water until the well runs dry.” The hand pumps in the village of New Letant have been broken after years of usage. Even though the city of “Fond Parisien” has water, so many people come that it is impossible for the village of New Letant[…]

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LAC TV Program “Moved with Compassion” Begins Friday!

The people surviving in Haiti have found a way to live in an unforgiving land. Some work the fields from sunrise until sunset trying to cultivate the earth, but their families are left to starve when the dry soil produces no harvest. Some spend their days foraging in the garbage[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“The Fork In The Road” “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat. Because straight is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that[…]

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Wow! That’s a Lotta Kids!

Today, we invited the children from Pastor Claude’s Orphanage to come and have fun with our kids! Due to all the gangs, our children haven’t had any free time out and neither have Pastor Claude’s children. We invited them to our Love A Child home to have hot dogs and[…]

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