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Edeline’s Story

Eleven-year-old Edeline (the one in the dirty purple t-shirt), will wake up this morning as she does every day. You see, Sunday is no different than all the days of hunger she experiences. While we will be getting dressed for church and maybe a lunch out, at a restaurant after[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

WAKE UP HAPPY!! “This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118: 24 Good morning! The Lord hath made this day. The Lord has you and me in the palm of his hand. The Lord made this day, he owns and controls[…]

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Colin… “The Cost of the Last Handful of Food”

Colin was just a little child when he lived in Miracle Village, not far from us. His parents had “many children” between them. (I do not believe that his father, a man deeply involved in Voodoo, was Colin’s real father.) When the food was cooking over a hot charcoal fire,[…]

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Food is a Crisis in Haiti

Amid all the social and economic problems that hit Haiti hard, finding food for little children is the most difficult, but most rewarding. Many times, the children come and stand in line with a bowl they brought from home, but in most cases, we bring extra bowls. We bring plastic spoons, but[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

God Uses “Unusual People…” We can never figure God out. He uses the most unusual people to carry out His will, and other times, He ignores the ones we think are qualified. But would God use someone from the “red-light district” to perform His Will? Of course, He will! In[…]

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A Gentle Giant

Stanley… When his parents both died, he was raised in a very poor, run-down orphanage in Haiti. We received a call from one of his relatives in the States, and they asked if we could take him into our Love A Child Children’s Home because where he was staying was “not good[…]

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Preparing for Another Mobile Medical Clinic

It has been a rough year. We began preparing for a Mobile Medical Clinic a while back. Then, many times, we would have to give this medicine to our Jesus Healing Center, because there were so many gangs down in Port-au-Prince and our driver could not make it to the[…]

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Feeding Hungry Children – Peyi Pouri

The women in Haiti cook in kitchens that are vastly different than what we are used to in the States. They cook on dirt floors over open fires, but they serve hundreds of starving children in the process! This could not be done without your generous support; we need your[…]

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PTL! Good News

Read the below what David George just sent us. — Hello Bobby and Sherry, Greetings from the Dominican Republic. Our property that Love A Child and David George World Ministries bought last year is being developed right now. They hauled away 8 truckloads of trash and garbage and now they[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

BE OF GOOD COURAGE “Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he is that the doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.” (Deuteronomy 31:6) “… I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” (Hebrews 13:5) “…[…]

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