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Travel Update

Finally, we landed in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic! Philemond picked us up, and now we are driving to Haiti. It should take us 5 or 6 hours with this weather. Can’t wait to see all of our children and all the workers.

Please pray we have a safe trip home to Love A Child. Love is something you do!

Bobby, Sherry, and Philemond

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Pray for a safe trip…

Well, last evening, I thought we had landed in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. When we got off the plane, we found out we were in Puerto Rico!!! We could not land in Santo Domingo due to the hurricane. Back at the gate to fly into Santo Domingo, then drive hours into Haiti.

Pray for a safe trip…

Love you,
Bobby and Sherry

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Word from the Mission Field

In Exodus, the 14th chapter, Moses leaves Egypt with the Israelite slaves. Bible scholars estimate the numbers to be “way over two million.” After long travels, they find themselves in the Sinai desert, which has only about two inches of rainfall a year and temperatures rising to over 100 degrees! There were no stores, no water sources…only God. This same God had to provide “bread from Heaven, water from a rock, and keep their clothes and shoes from rotting away.” And just think, “sometimes we can’t trust this same God to pay our light bill when it is due!” How big is your God? He’s big enough! Have a great day because you serve a “great God!” But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19 – Sherry

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Flying in the Hurricane

PTL! We just landed in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic!!! WAIT… Oh my Lord, I thought we just landed in Santo Domingo, but we are actually in Puerto Rico due to the hurricane! We must sleep inside the airport all night. There are no hotels and no electricity because the hurricane has knocked it out on the whole island. Thank you for your prayers. We hope to be able to make it to Haiti tomorrow!

Bobby and Sherry

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Update – Haiti Travel

We cannot fly into Port-Au-Prince, Haiti, because the road to Love A Child is too dangerous. We are still on course to fly into Miami and then catch a flight into Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, landing this evening at 9:13 PM on American Airlines. Our flight has not been canceled yet due to the hurricane.

In the morning, we will be driving from Santo Domingo with our driver Philemond crossing the border into Haiti. Please pray for a safe trip into Santo Domingo today and then to Haiti in the morning.

Thank you for your prayers…
Bobby and Sherry

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Word from the Mission Field

“Almost Within Reach.”

Has God ever made you a promise, maybe years ago, and the promise has not arrived yet? Does it seem like “it’s just within reach,” and then, something goes the opposite direction? You were “almost there,” a couple of times, and then, “all hell broke loose!” We have all been there, done that.

I remember back many years ago, when Bobby and I were dating. He told me about a long fast he had to go on: 21 days on just water! We were just 17 and 18, soon to be married! Bobby said that God told him that we would be blessed if we obeyed Him and many things would come to pass. Well, Bobby finished his “21-day fast,” and years went on by, and seemed like we got “poorer and poorer!” Many more years went by before the “promise God made us,” came to pass. We faced many mountains, near death, and almost gave up, but we didn’t. God kept His Word to us and much more.

When the children of Israel were told to go to the Promised Land, they knew they would have to fight a lot of battles, but they had to fight more battles and suffer more than they could realize. Finally, they were headed to the Promised Land, with Moses. Ahh… they could see it in the distance. But then, a voice from Heaven said, “Moses, my servant, is dead!” Wow! I can hear the screaming now… the anxiety, see the tears, the Promised Land was “just out of reach.” What next? But God had a plan… Moses finished his course, Joshua took over, and they reached the Promised Land!

I am talking to “you” today! Don’t give up on your dream. Don’t doubt God! He has a “timing” we don’t understand, but it is IMPOSSIBLE FOR HIM TO LIE!! IT WILL COME TO PASS!! Hang in there!!!


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Update on Colin

Colin… “Dan.”

The kids in our Love A Child Children’s Home give each other nicknames! They don’t get angry over this, or fight someone, or get their feelings hurt! Practically everyone in Haiti has a nickname! Haitians don’t really like long names or long words. They cut everything short. Colin’s nickname is “Dan” or “Teeth.” Colin has some bad overbite teeth, which will be fixed when we get him a passport and visa to the U.S.! Then, the kids will have to find another name for him!

We rescued Colin from his Voodoo father when he was very, very young. His mother was cooking rice in a large metal bowl, a chodia. When the rice was finished, Colin reached into the bowl for another handful. His father caught him and said, “I’ll show you what happens to a thief!” With that, he dragged Colin over to the fire where the hot charcoal coals were and held his hand down onto the hot coals! Someone saw this and told us about him. We took him to the clinic and afterward reported him to the Department of Social Services. He was legally given to us.

Colin gets up at 4:30 a.m., works in the garden, sweeps, mops, and does anything else. He will be in 8th grade and wants to be an engineer! Colin is “very intelligent” and he will go far! We all love Colin and guess what? He is a “mean goalie” on the soccer field!! Wow!


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Haiti Update:

Tomorrow, Sherry and I are heading back into Haiti through the back door. Please pray for our safe trip.

I just want to add one more picture of Dimelia on Friday when we were checking her into her dorm room at the University of West Indies in Jamaica.

We now have 24 of our Haitian children in college. I don’t know how we are able to do it, but the Lord always supplies. Thank you for your prayers and your support from the bottom of our hearts.

Bobby and Sherry Burnette

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Word from the Mission Field

“The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.” Proverbs 11:30

If you are winning souls, the Bible says you are a “wise person” and you are bearing “much fruit!”


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Gloria has Been Promoted!  

This afternoon Sherry and I attended the funeral of our dear and close friend “Gloria Adams.” She and her husband founded “Jesus Is Ministries” in Inglis, Florida. They helped and put in their program for those who were addicted to drugs, alcohol, and those who had lost everything. They shared Jesus’ love with them with tremendous success! Sherry and I have been there many times to minister. Jim Adams and I were very close friends. He died about 7 years ago.

The anointing for this ministry fell upon Gloria, his wife, to run things as he did. These two were the most “unselfish people” Sherry and I have ever met. They would go and pick up “tin cans” to sell to run the ministry. They had such a great love for those who were down on their luck. They even turned their own home over to help those who had nothing. They moved into one small room of their house for themselves.

Soon, the ministry began to grow… they built housing for many who were in their program. Gloria, our dear friend, went to be with Jesus and has been promoted into glory. I’m sure Jim, her late husband, a man of faith, was there waiting for her! Jeff Adams, Gloria, and Jim’s son have also been running the ministry and will continue to do so with his wife Bunny.

When our tractor and the bush-hog with blades, ran me over in Haiti, I was flown to a trauma center in New Orleans. They both drove up and sat in my room every day for several hours a day praying. I will never forget it, Jeff and Bunny. Prayer worked! No one could believe how fast healing was taking place in my body.

Sherry and I wanted to give special honor to Gloria Adams our special friend. “Jesus Is Ministry” is a wonderful ministry helping so many people. The Bible says, “to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.”

Bobby and Sherry

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