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LAC TV Program “Happy to Help the Poor” Begins Friday!

Bobby and Sherry travel across a wild lake in a rickety, leaky boat to deliver food to the starving people in Ponte Plume, Haiti. Your heart will break as you hear from these children whose days are filled with work. Despite their efforts, they go to sleep praying to God[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“When You’re Blessed, You’re Blessed All the Way!” I love the story in Numbers of the talking “ass.” (Yes, that’s what they called a donkey in the Bible!!) In Numbers 22, there is a great story of the king of the Moabites, called “Balak.” He knew that the people of[…]

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URGENT PRAYER REQUEST – SOLAR FOR LOVE A CHILD IN FOND PARISIEN, HAITI Today, our office told me that we had several inquiries about solar for Love A Child. Thank you sincerely for your interest. It’s growing more difficult every day to have diesel delivered out here in Fond Parisien. Our whole LAC Village[…]

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Our Florence…

There are four children in the Jeannot family… Julia, Yolande, Franceau and Florence. They were our neighbors when we first moved to Haiti and we lived up in the mountains. Their mother came by our gate almost every day. She was often sick and I gave her food and medicine.[…]

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Love A Child


You saw our post on the kidnappers taking the diesel fuel tanker and the three men after they left here. I found out today the fuel company paid the Papaya Gang $10,000 to release the tanker truck and men. They have been released… Thank you for praying. The road coming[…]

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You saw our post from yesterday, and how the diesel tanker truck made it through the Papaya Gang to bring us the diesel fuel. When the driver and his helpers made it here they told us they really didn’t want to come, but because they knew Love A Child needed[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“The God of the Second Chance.” “Howbeit the hair of his head began to grow again after he was shaven.” Judges 16:22 Samson was a great man of God. There is no bodybuilder or man alive who could have done what he did. He killed a lion with his bare hands,[…]

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Jean Richard Rises Above

It is very difficult for the poor in Haiti to survive, but it is even more difficult for a person with a disability. They are considered “worthless,” and many times they sink into despair. When the 2010 earthquake hit, it damaged and destroyed orphanages. One of these was for handicapped[…]

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Good News!!! PTL!

After our post this morning saying the gangs were blocking the diesel tanker truck from coming here… Prayer works! Thank you for praying! Here comes the big diesel truck full of diesel for Love A Child. Wow, unbelievable! This morning our first post had an overwhelming response and many comments.[…]

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On June 10th, the Papaya Gang kidnapped five Haitian Customs officials, where our 40-foot containers of FMSC meals come out… and because of this, Customs has closed. So far the five Customs officials are still in the hands of the kidnappers. I’m afraid they will not open until the five[…]

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