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Update on Ti Mika

Ti Mika… The first time we found Ti Mika (little Mika), was in the village of Madamn Bauje, here in Haiti. We were filming a television program and an elderly Haitian grandma was carrying around a baby with red hair and extremely malnourished. Grandma had a little handful of white[…]

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Peyi Pouri – Road Work

Those living high in the mountains of Haiti are in dire need of medical help, but the treacherous roads are too easily wiped out. These humble and desperate people set to work to come up with a solution to the problem!

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Update From South Haiti House Project

Moving and shaking for the Lord! Thirty Gabion houses have been completed and 30 happy families have moved in. We have started 30 more houses and they sent a report this morning saying the construction is moving fast. We just sent another huge load of cement and wood for construction.[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he.” Deuteronomy 32:4 — Have you ever been in a situation where you caught yourself saying, “Maybe God made a mistake.” Perhaps God called you[…]

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Praying for “God’s Best”

Today, our driver, Philemond, is headed back from the Dominican Republic with Jasson. For those of you who don’t know Jasson, he is the little boy we found during a Mobile Medical Clinic in the mountains of Savann Pit, years ago. He had severe Kwashiorkor Malnutrition, which brought on kidney[…]

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Feeding the Children in the Middle of Nowhere

This morning, we told you about the people who live in the area called “Boulay.” It is up a ways from Fond Parisien, but it is actually in a riverbed! The people who live here are always afraid of a flash flood, so they all have a tiny little flashlight[…]

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Blessings Come to Boulay, Haiti

The area is called “Bois-des-Mieux,” but the locals call it Boulay. If there ever was a village in the “middle-of-no-where,” it is Boulay! There are no buildings, no mud huts, no trees, nothing… Yet, the inhabitants here live in the middle of this abandoned “dry riverbed.” Actually, they all sleep[…]

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LAC TV Program “The Struggle of the Poor” Begins Friday!

Bobby and Sherry travel to Mon Oreg for the first time to deliver food and the love of God; while there, they happen upon a child with one of the most heartbreaking, life-threatening injuries they’ve ever encountered. Parents leave their young children at home alone while they look for work;[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“When to Give…” Some people have a hard time trying to figure out when to give, but that is why God put “that heart within you.” He knows you will follow your heart. “Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine[…]

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Jean Edwouard… the Entrepreneur

We first met Jean Edwouard when he was about five or six. He is from the old Village of Letant, not far from us. Jean Edwouard had fallen into a “big hole” in Haiti, that thousands of children here fall into. He was a restavek slave child. This happens when[…]

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