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Food Comes to “Sou Moulin”

“Sou Moulin” is a village not far from us. Like many other villages in Haiti, this is a tough time for trying to get food. Most roads are blocked by gang members, so mothers cannot get to the market to sell their items. This forces many children to drink “salt water” at least once a day to take the hunger away. Others resort to “mud cookies.” You may see some of the people dressed in their “Sunday clothes” (clothing reserved for church) when they come for food or to a Mobile Medical Clinic. They put on their “best clothes,” even if they are “rags.” When the stomachs of their children are hungry, it is hard to tell them that Jesus loves them. As one elderly lady once said, while a team was doing a bible distribution… “I cannot eat the Bible.” Thank you for helping the people and children of Sou Moulin with food and hope for tomorrow.


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Sarah… “Don’t Hide Your Talent.”

Sarah will be graduating this coming week from her first year in Beauty College! This is her passion! She has another year to go!

Sarah and her brother, Joseph, came to us when they were both small. Both had Kwashiorkor Malnutrition. Their mother had died in childbirth.

Sarah had always been a good student, and two years ago, she signed up for a college of Administration. After several months, she came home to the orphanage, crying… and crying hard. She said, “Mom, I can’t do this. This is not me…”

I said, “Sarah, what do you love to do?”

“Manicures and hair! I love it, and I’m good at it!”

I said, “Sarah, in life, God gives us a talent. That is your passion. You must not hide the talent that God gave you! Go to Beauty College!! Get a job, “doing what you love,” and you will always be happy!” With tears in her eyes, I gave her a hug!

Later, when I went to the States, I thought I should get a manicure. While talking to the girl doing my nails, I pull out my phone and said, “This is one of our Haitian daughters! She is learning to do nails and hair braids…”
The lady just stared at my phone and the pictures for a while, shaking her head. She, “Wow!!! She is very, very good! Wow!!!”

Sarah will be going back to college in October!

This is a lesson for everyone. Follow the talent God has given you, and you will always be happy!

We are so proud of Sarah.


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Our Malnutrition Center Clinic…

We are so thankful the Lord has allowed us to build a beautiful Malnutrition Center Clinic for babies, toddlers, and young children. This Malnutrition Center was only a “dream,” but it happened! We want to thank Joyce Meyer Ministries – Hand of Hope for sponsoring this building project!

Up until this Clinic was built, we had nowhere close to us to send these babies. If we gave mothers money for transportation, they would spend it on food for their other children and never spend the money on the Malnutrition Clinic!

You will notice that there are some children in the picture who have red hair and swollen bellies, and others look really good!

The babies and children have to reach the right “weight” they are supposed to weigh for their age. Then, they go into another program where the mother brings them back each week for a check-up. There are special “baby foods” and “baby milk” they must take each day, but in addition, we send home Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) food. When babies are extremely malnourished, they cannot eat anything except for a special milk formula (which is very expensive and hard to get)! But, when they go home, they still have other foods and can gradually eat the FMSC food. In the meantime, the mother also cooks this FMSC food for her other children. If we did not send this, they would all be eating the special “baby formula foods,” and the child would end up again in our Malnutrition Clinic.

If you notice, the babies are dressed very well, with new clothes and even a beautiful new colorful “play blanket.” All these nice clothes came from our Love A Child partners!

We also want to thank those who help each month with the ongoing expense of running this Malnutrition Center… food, paying the doctors, nurses, cleaning team, etc.

See what happens when we work together… We save little lives!

Thank you, and God bless you.

Bobby and Sherry Burnette

P.S. We are not “meeting our monthly budget” financially, so if you would like to help with this project monthly, any amount, call our office at (239) 210-6107 or write to Love A Child… be sure to tell them that your gift is “For the Malnutrition Clinic!”

Please mail letters and contributions to:

Love A Child, Inc.
PO Box 60063
Fort Myers, Florida 33906-6063

Thank you, and may God bless you.

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Word from the Mission Field

“Give Your Way Out!”

“The liberal soul shall be made fat; and he that watereth, shall be watered also.” Proverbs 11:25

I was fortunate to have been brought up in a poor family, but with a mother who loved to give. And, when I married, I married someone who “loved to give.” We both realized together that the best way to get out of poverty is to “give your way out.” That’s what we have been doing for years. The little widow woman in I Kings, Chapter 17, and the little boy with “five loaves and two fishes,” figured it out. The little widow woman who was at the temple, with Jesus watching in the background, gave her “last two mites,” which was all she had, while the rich had cast in “of their abundance.” Jesus said that “she gave more.”

There is such a huge blessing in giving, and especially “secretly giving,” that cannot be explained. “The liberal soul shall be ‘made fat’ (or supernaturally blessed), and he that watereth, shall be watered also.” Proverbs 11:25

There is only one true way out of poverty… “Give your way out!” When you wake up in the morning, ask the Lord, “Who should I give to, today? Lord, show me the need that you want me to fulfill.” And, even if you are struggling financially, “give your way out!” Blessings will come! Have a great day, Sherry

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Raising Thoroughbreds!

We have 85 “Love A Child” children. This is Dieuferly; we found him in the mountains of Covant, Haiti (Bel Fontaine), many years ago. He was not yet “four,” and had badly crippled clubfeet. At that time, we were extremely poor and had a rented building for our orphanage. We really struggled to feed the children and put them through school.

During this time, the U.S. military was in Haiti and the surgeons did free surgeries; so we took Dieuferly there. Since they were not professionals with “clubfeet,” they messed up his feet so badly! He had excruciating pain all his life and it was only about six months ago that we were able to find a surgeon in the Dominican Republic to do surgery on Dieuferly’s horribly painful feet!

The surgery was a success! Today, Dieuferly is a professional photographer, has his own drone, is learning video production, and also has a little business on the side! He is sweet, kind, humble, and very thankful!!

Before we built our big orphanage, the Lord spoke to Bobby and said, “You will be raising thoroughbreds!” As of right now, we have 24 Haitian children in college!! We are so proud of Dieuferly, and all the other children seeking an education! They are the “future of Haiti!” God has filled our hearts with joy and our eyes with tears of thankfulness!

Bobby and Sherry

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Dumolia is Off to College!

Dumolia is a wonderful, sweet girl. We’ve had her since she was 3 years old, I believe. We don’t know what happened in the village where she lived, but she either fell or was pushed into a tub of boiling water. We took her in, took care of her, and sent her on several trips to the Shriner’s Hospital in Boston for skin grafts. For a few years, she was not able to turn her head side-to-side or raise her arms above her head. Now, she is a normal and beautiful young lady.

Next week, Sherry and I will be flying with her to Jamaica, where she has been accepted into an international nursing college in Kingston. Her degree will be accepted internationally. We will check her into her college dorm and get her situated.

We are trusting in the Lord for three “roundtrip tickets” from Dominican Republic to Jamaica at $1,100 each. (We are working on a date for next week.) Please pray about helping.

Thank you so much!

Bobby and Sherry

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Love is Something You Do!

Good news from Villa Hermosa, Dominican Republic!

Over the weekend, David and Angie George of David George Worldwide Ministries, have been giving out school backpacks to the poor Haitian and Dominican children who live in Villa Hermosa where our Love A Child church is that David George sponsored to build.

They also went to two poor sugar cane fields to give out backpacks to the Haitians. They had activities in the church for the children and parents… a special thank you to RL and Vanessa for organizing and putting it all together. The church is exploding!!! We are so proud of David and Angie George… love is something you do!

Missionary Bobby Burnette

Message from David and Angie: “Bobby, these are our back-to-school backpacks loaded with school supplies for 250 Haitian and Dominican children in Villa Hermosa. 125 have David George World Ministries on them and 125 have Love A Child on them. We are having to buy more. We will take backpacks to two bateys that we work in. We got our new green team t-shirts with DGWM on the front and Love A Child on the back. This week they will put electricity in our Love A Child church. They will finish the wall this week with two gates. The largest crowd of children that we have ever had in Villa Hermosa. We need a bigger building!!! Love you guys, David and Angie”

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Word from the Mission Field

“More Precious than Gold…” Really? How could a trial be “more precious than gold?”

“That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perishes, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ.” I Peter 1:7

In Numbers 31, the Israelites had just won a major battle. They gathered so much “stuff,” 67,500 sheep, 72,000 cattle, 61,000 donkeys, not to mention everything else! But Eleazar the priest told them, “Every thing that may abide the fire, ye shall make it go through the fire.” Numbers 31:23

So, if you are “going through the fire today,” you are about to come out with the victory! Have a great day!


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Zoey! A Little Doll!

Zoey is now 3, going to kindergarten “two.” She is a doll! She always hangs out with the “big sisters,” so she is more like a young girl than a 3-year-old. She is very polite and extremely intelligent!

She is very close to her “poppy Bobby!” She loves to sit on his lap and hug his neck. Zoey is “all girl,” and I don’t think there is any “tomboy” in her! She is getting to be part of our “dance team!”

This beautiful little girl was found as an abandoned “new baby,” on a dirt road leading into New Letant. She could have been placed there by someone in that area, probably a mother who had too many children to raise. We took the baby to Social Services, but they asked us to keep her because they had so many children they could not place. We all love Zoey! She is not only a “little doll,” but a “gift from God!”


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Two Great Miracles!

Yesterday, we received two great miracles!

The first was for Dimelia, as most of you know, we have had since she was a little girl, 3 or 4. She had been badly burned. As a result, she spent years going back and forth to the Shriners Children’s Hospital in Boston. When she was in 12th grade, she graduated from an English-speaking Christian school here in Haiti. So, she could not go to college in Port-au-Prince, because she could not speak French! It took much prayer and a lot of work to get her into an “English-speaking” medical college. We chose one in Jamaica, but it took us over a year to work on her visa. Yesterday, she got her ok on her visa! She just has to go to Port-au-Prince and have her visa put in her passport. When she is ready we want to fly to Jamaica with her and get her settled into college! What a miracle!

The second great miracle was the fuel we finally received! Each day, we were checking the fuel gauge, and seeing it go down to practically nothing! In that case, we would not have only lost electricity but the ability to pump water into our water tower. 35,000 gallons need to be filled three times a day! In addition, Jasson (Jackson), one of our children, is on dialysis each evening. If we did not have electricity, Jasson would die!

On another note, our fuel tank was stopped by the Papaya Gang as it came on the road! The gang asked, “Where are you going?” The driver said, “To Love A Child!” The gang said, “Love A Child? You can go!!” Favor of the Lord!

Now, we are believing God for solar for our entire compound! Can God do it!?? Yes, he can! Thank you, partners, for praying “with us,” and “standing with us,” in this crisis we faced! All praise to God!

Bobby and Sherry

We want to wish you a happy Labor Day weekend!

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